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downloaded: 9File size: 659 kb    Manafacture: Mars  
Category: Shop Equipment

Having inserted a link give it a gentle tug to ensure that it has engaged with the recess. 126 Routing Plug Pin outs and Functions FUNCTION PIN PIN FUNCTION Coin H 22 21 Coin G Coin F 20 19 Coin E Coin D 18 17 Coin C Coin B 16 15 Coin A (Exit ‘d’) 14 13 (Exit ‘d’) (Exit ‘c’) 12 11 (Exit ‘c’) (Exit ‘a’) 10 9 (Exit ‘a’) (Exit ‘b’) 8 7 (Exit ‘b’) Exit C 6 5 Exit C Exit D 4 3 Exit D Exit B 2 1 Exit B 129 Routing Plug Pinouts and Functions FUNCTION PIN PIN FUNCTION Coin H 22 21 Coin G Coin F 20 19 Co


downloaded: 34File size: 659 kb    Manafacture: Mars  
Category: Shop Equipment

Internet: For further information on editions in other languages please write to the Technical Communications Manager at the above address. CashFlow® 126 and CashFlow® 129 selectors User Guide © , Mars, Inc., 1998. All rights reserved Except as permitted under the relevant local legislation, no part of this publication may be copied, transmitted, transcribed, or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, or translated in any language (natural or compute
