Highly sophisticated IDE provides the power you need with the simplicity of a Windows based point-and-click environment. With useful implemented tools, many practical code examples, broad set of built-in routines, and a comprehensive Help, mikroC makes a fast and reliable tool, which can satisfy needs of experienced engineers and beginners alike. mikroC - C Compiler for Microchip PIC microcontrollers page ii mikroC making it simple... Reader’s note DISCLAIMER: mikroC and this manual are owned by
mikroC - C Compiler for Microchip PIC microcontrollers Type Qualifiers Type qualifiers const and volatile are optional in declarations and do not actually affect the type of declared object. Qualifier const Qualifier const implies that the declared object will not change its value during runtime. In declarations with const qualifier, you need to initialize all the objects in the declaration. Effectively, mikroC treats objects declared with const qualifier same as literals or preprocessor constan
Flash Memory Library This library provides routines for accessing microcontroller Flash memory. Note that prototypes differ for PIC16 and PIC18 families. Library Routines Flash_Read Flash_Write Flash_Read Prototype unsigned Flash_Read(unsigned address); // for PIC16 char Flash_Read(long unsigned address); // for PIC18 Returns Returns data byte from Flash memory. Description Reads data from the specified address in Flash memory. Example Flash_Read(0x0D00); Flash_Write Prototype void Flash_Write(u
Printed in Germany. The information contained in this documentation is the property of J&K Imaging and Janich & Klass. Neither receipt nor possession hereof confers or transfers any right to reproduce or disclose any part of the contents hereof, without the prior written consent of J&K Imaging and Janich & Klass. Trademarks DPU/DDU logos are registered trademarks of Janich & Klass. DpuScan is a trademark of J&K Imaging. All other product names and logos are copyrighted and/or registered trademar
The proper operation of this node in the mesh network is dependent on it knowing its location with respect to other nodes. You cannot “test bench” configure this module, then install. The ZRW113 Isolated Contact Wall Mounted 3-Way Switch is a component of the HomePro lighting control system. Wire the Wall Mounted Switch in place of the standard wall switch according to the diagram above and program from the Wireless Controller to operate loads. Inclusion of this Switch on the ZTH100 Wireless Con
511 nu nu nu Note: This view uses the following measurements: Length Image size in bytes Level In range 0 to 3 Mode In range 0 to 15 LineLength In pixels PageLength In lines FlagM Momentary flag (Byte 155) 0 or 1 FlagL Permanent flag (Byte 157) 0 or 1 Compression (0=uncompressed, 1=G3(1-dim), 2=G3(2-dim), 4=G4) Res Resolution in dpi Bo Bit-Order (0="MSB to LSB", 1="LSB to MSB") Sk Skew detected (value always remains unchanged) Pol Polarity (0=black on white, 1=white on black) Rev Revision Number