Other manuals for this model:
manual abstract
Different optimization capabilities
Native Itanium/IA64 builds
No native GUI support
Debug Tools
Windows Integrity developers have a choice of two debug utilities:
• Visual Studio contains an integrated debugger but the VisualStudio IDE does not run natively
on IA64. VisualStudio Team packages include a new feature called Remote Debugger, which
allows for remote execution of the debugger with respect to the debug target. The remote
debugger is available for the Itanium platform. We recommend this for CLR/.Net
• Or, you can use the free Microsoft debug suite. This suite contains a GUI application
(WinDbg) as well as a command-line (KD) debugger, which you can use for both kernel and
user-mode debugging. WinDbg has a native implementation for IA64 but does not handle
CLR/.NET debugging very well. You must use this package for kernel-mode debugging.
Setting up the SQL development environment
As Visual Studio 2005 does not run natively on Itanium-based systems, tools such as SQL Business
Intelligent Development Studio are not available on Itanium-based systems either. Also, scripts such as
SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) tasks cannot be compiled on Itanium-based systems because
there is no runtime compile for Itanium. You must compile them on a 32-bit system before running the
package on Itanium-based systems.
You must therefore set up a 32-bit development and test configuration for your SQL application that
mirrors your Itanium production environment. You will need 64-bit drivers for all data sources. Not all
64-bit OLE/DB drivers are available in 32-bit, so debugging against production driver equivalents
may not always be possible. You should plan to test against 64-bit driver integration in any project
that involves moving SQL applications to Itanium-based systems.
Also, you must configure Visual Studio for remote debugging, where Visual Studio running on a 32-bit
system connects to the Integrity server set up as the debug target. Some debugging tools do not
operate in the remote debugging configuration that Itanium is forced to use. Specifically, SQL Server
Integration Services (SSIS) cannot be debugged using the remote interface. Also, you must develop
and debug BI application extensions for Analysis Services (AS), Reporting Services (RS), and similar
items on 32-bit systems.
Set up Remote Debugging
First, copy the correct version of the "Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor" to the remote Itanium
target. If you enabled Itanium compilation support during Visual Studio installation, the IA64 version
is available at the following location:
Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE\Remote Debugger\ia64