< :> indicates the ‘or’ condition. For which user has a choice for the options listed within, and only one can be specified. <~> indicates the value range. For which user has a choice for the values within the range, and only one can be specified. <,> indicates a separation between integer values. ACCUSYS, INC. 5F, 38 TAIYUAN ST, JHUBEI, HSINCHU, TAIWAN, R.O.C. TITLE EXPERAID COMMAND LINE INTERFACE USER GUIDE PROJECT “DESKTOP RAID” DOCUMENT STATUS OFFICIAL RELEASE REV. G–05-NOV-2007 PAGE 11 OF 2

Up to two floppy disk drives can be connected to the host adapter. Note: The AMM-1572 supports only floppy primary address 3F0h - 3F7h. The IRQ channel is hard-wired for channel 6 and the DMA channel is hard-wired for channel 2. To connect floppy disk drives: 1 Connect one end of the 34-pin floppy ribbon cable to the floppy connector on the host adapter. Note: When cabling the 34-pin floppy ribbon cable to both the host adapter and floppy disk drive(s), make sure that Pin 1 orientation is ma

2 Open the Task window (shown in Step 3 on page 30) for each scheduled program and change the TV Channel setting to match your set-top box output (usually channel 3 or 4). 3 Leave your set-top box powered on at the time recording is scheduled. To schedule the recording of multiple programs that do not all appear on the same channel: 1 Open the Task window (shown in Step 3 on page 30) for each scheduled program and change the TV Channel setting to match your set-top box output (usually channel 3

The ability to respond to multiple data requests provides not only an increase in throughput, but also a decrease in response time. The combination of parallel transfers and simultaneous responses to multiple requests enables disk arrays to provide a high level of performance in network environments. Understanding Drive Segments A drive segment is a disk drive or portion of a disk drive that is used to create an array. A disk drive can include both RAID segments (segments that are part of an arr

License. This Agreement grants you, the Licensee, a license to: a. Use the Software on a single computer system, which is not intended for use by more than five (5) users; and: b. Make one copy of the Software in machine readable form solely for back-up purposes, provided you reproduce Adaptec's copyright proprietary legends. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Software may be used on the home, laptop or other secondary computer of the principal user of the Software, and an additional copy of the

.. Disk storage and power connection for each drive. .. Static grounding strap or electrostatic discharge (ESD) safe work area. Optional items… Battery backup module to back up cached data in the event of a power failure. LCD Control Panel for Card status and advanced configuration. 2 Familiarizing yourself with the ACS- 61100 RAID Card 1. DDRII memory connector 6. PCI-Express x 8 connector 2. I2C connector 7. Serial port connector 3. Mini SAS connectors 8. Button port connector 4. Disk access L

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means; electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Adaptec, Inc., 691 South Milpitas Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035. Trademarks AMI is a registered trademark of American Megatrends, Inc. ASPI is a trademark of Adaptec, Inc. IBM PC-AT and OS/2 are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation
AHA-1510A/20A Series host adapters give you access to Adaptec’s ASPI (Advanced SCSI Programming Interface) family of software. This family includes device drivers that work with tape, disk, CD-ROM, WORM, and DAT devices and also with operating systems such as DOS, OS/2, UNIX, and NetWare. The ASPI software communicates with the operating system managers through the common ASPI platform. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAHA-1510A/20A Series User’s Guide A AA AA ASt

Ensure that you have the appropriate SFP installed for your cables. See the Adaptec 2U Storage Enclosure Installation and User’s Guide on the CD for more cabling information and for daisy-chaining instructions. Single Loop Configuration FC4100 FC I/O Module OUTPUT INPUT HOST BUS ADAPTERDaisy-chain to next FC4100 Dual Loop Configuration OUTPUT INPUT HOST BUS ADAPTERDaisy-chain to next FC4100 FC4100 FC I/O Module OUTPUT INPUT HOST BUS ADAPTERDaisy-chain to next FC4100 FC4100 FC I/O Module 9 Connec