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manual abstract
Integrity NonStop NS-series Server Supplement
Hardware Requirements
Table 1-1. Software Requirements for Integrity NonStop
Software Component
H-Series PVU
G-Series PVU
OSM Service
T0682AAA is required on all NonStop S-series
Connection Suite
nodes in the cluster if you use a 6780 switch
containing quad MMF PICs in at least one of the
is required for
slots 6 through 9 to connect NonStop S-series
Integrity NonStop
NS14000 systems
servers to the cluster.
Hardware Requirements
At least two 6770 switches or 6780 switches (one for the X fabric and one for the Y
fabric) are required. A cable management assembly is required for each 6780 switch.
The switches must be installed and powered on. For Integrity NonStop NS16000 nodes
in a layered topology, you can use either the single-mode fiber (SMF) option or
multimode fiber (MMF) option as described in Table 1-2. For example, if you use the
MMF option, you must have MMF PICs installed in both the 6780 switches and the
p-switches. Integrity NonStop NS14000 nodes are only supported in a layered topology
using the MMF option.
Table 1-2. Integrity NonStop NS-series Node Hardware Requirements
Processor Switches
or ServerNet Switch
Cluster Switches
Dual SMF PIC in slot
A 6770 switch with at least one port
SMF cables with
2 of each p-switch
in the range 0 through 7 must be
duplex LC
available on each ServerNet II
connectors on
Switch (a subcomponent of the 6770
one end and
switch) for connecting a fiber-optic
duplex subscriber
connectors (SC)
on the other end
Dual SMF PIC in slot
A 6780 switch with a dual SMF PIC
SMF cables with
2 of each p-switch
in at least one of the slots 6 through
duplex LC
9. At least one port on each PIC in
connectors on
the range 1 or 2 must be available.
both ends
For Integrity NonStop
A 6780 switch with a quad MMF PIC
MMF cables with
NS16000 system:
in at least one of the slots 6 through
duplex LC
Quad MMF PIC in slot
9. At least one port on each PIC in
connectors on
2 of each p-switch
the range 1 or 2 must be available.
both ends
For Integrity NonStop
For the MMF option, OSM version
NS14000 system: port
T0682AAA is required on all
1 of each ServerNet
NonStop S-Series nodes in the
switch board
ServerNet cluster.
* For Integrity NonStop NS16000 systems, cluster connectivity is done through the processor
switches. For Integrity NonStop NS14000 systems, cluster connectivity is done through the
ServerNet switch boards in the IOAM enclosure.
ServerNet Cluster Supplement for HP Integrity NonStop NS-Series Servers— 529933-003
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