1. Press EFF. 2. Press LANG to change the language Viewing Help Messages You can view help messages at most screens by pressing AIDE. To read the help, press or ESPACE. To exit help, press ARR. While viewing help, you can press LANG to change the language. Follow the Arrows The arrows at the right of the screen show which arrow keys you can press to scroll. 16 Translating Words To translate or define a word in either language, simply type the word and press ENTRER. You don’t need to type acce
With your Crosswords puzzle solver you can . . . • find possible crossword answers when you know only a few letters, • find more possible answers by changing letters, • find phrases by typing a key word, • find possible answers by topic, and • play the Quiz game to practice your puzzle solving skills. Crosswords can’t solve all your crossword puzzles, but by combining your knowledge with its 130,000 word crossword answer list from Chambers®, you can find more answers than you find now. This User
Au.erhalb der USA gekaufte Gerate, bei denen wahrend der Garantiezeit ein Defekt auftritt, sind zusammen mit einem Kaufbeleg und einer Beschreibung des Defektes zum Handler zuruckzubringen, bei dem sie gekauft wurden. Wenn kein gultiger Kaufbeleg vorgelegt wird, werden alle Reparaturarbeiten in Rechnung gestellt. Defekte, die auf unsachgema.e Benutzung, Beschadigung bei einem Unfall oder Verschlei. zuruckzufuhren sind, fallen nicht unter den Garantieschutz. Diese Garantie hat keinerlei Einflu. a
You will need a small Phillips screwdriver to replace the battery. Follow these instructions: 1. Make sure the unit is off. 2. Turn the unit over. 3. Unscrew the battery cover screw. 4. Carefully remove the battery cover. 5. If necessary, remove the old battery. 6. Slide a new battery into place under the small prongs with the positive side up. Important: Be sure to insert the battery correctly; otherwise, the backup device may be damaged. 7. Replace the battery cover and the battery cover screw
Your Caller ID can: • store up to 90 call records, including information such as caller’s name, and/or phone number, and the time the call was placed, if available, • alert you when new calls have been received, • display the current time and date, • display the total number of calls received, • display prompts and screen displays in one of three languages: English, French, or Spanish, • alert you when you have messages waiting, if you have a voice mail service from your phone company, and • be
1 Getting Started Before you start using this organizer for the first time do the following steps. 1. Turn your organizer over and carefully pull the battery insulation tape to remove it. Now, you may want to perform a system reset. Here’s how. Warning: A system reset erases all information and clears all settings. 2. Press OFF to turn the organizer off, if needed. 3. Use a paper clip to simultaneously press the Reset button on the back of the organizer while pressing MODE at the same time. The
Der Gebrauch dieses Produktes schlie.t mit ein, dass Sie sich mit den Bedingungen dieser Lizenz einverstanden erklaren. Im Falle, dass Sie nicht mit diesen Bedingungen einverstanden sind, konnen Sie die Packung zusammen mit der Kaufquittung an den Handler zuruckgeben, von dem Sie dieses Produkt erworben haben, wodurch Ihnen der Kaufpreis erstattet wird. PRODUKT bedeutet das in dieser Packung befindliche Softwareprodukt einschlie.lich der Dokumentation. FRANKLIN steht fur Franklin Electronic Publ
The manufacturer assumes no responsibility, directly or indirectly, for financial losses or claims from third parties resulting from the use of this product and any of its functions, such as stolen credit card numbers, the loss or alteration of stored data, etc. The information provided in this manual is subject to change without notice. Cautions • Do not carry the organizer in the back pocket of your slacks or trousers. • Do not drop the organizer or apply excessive force to it. • Do not subjec
Verify the model and COM port information. 3. Click SYNC to confirm synchronization. 4. Press (Time) on your Organizer until the Home Time screen appears. 5. Press Sync to enter the data communication mode. 4 Transmitting or Receiving Records 1-SYNC? 2-TX? 3-RX? 6. Use or to select 1-SYNC?or press 1. 7. Press ENTER to start synchronization. During synchronization, you will see the following messages: Transmitting… this means your Organizer is transmitting the data necessary for synchronization.
2. Press SHFT and then press EDIT (DEL). DELETE? Y/N appears on the screen. 3. Press Y to delete the record. Press N to cancel the deletion. MEMO? appears on the screen. . Memo Alerts The memo reminder alarm sounds for 30 seconds. Press any key to shut off the alarm. If the unit is on, the alarm sounds and the memo you are being reminded of is displayed. The memo remains on the screen even after the alarm shuts off. If the unit is off, it is turned on automatically and the alarm sounds. If no ot