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Table 5 HP-UX 11i v3 September 2011 fixes — IEther-00 B.11.31.1109
SR number
When the iether module is loaded and unloaded continuously, a card might be left in an
unclaimed state with an error log message.
When a guest VNIC is created over the iether interface, a synchronization issue in the
transmit path between the host freeing used buffers and the guest shutting down causes the
HPVM host to panic.
Table 6 HP-UX 11i v3 March 2011 fixes — IEther-00 B.11.31.1103
SR number
When heavy traffic is run on a NIC with the Intel 82546 chipset with TSO enabled, an MCA
occurs. The problem is due to known errata with NICs with this chipset. This problem occurs
with IEther-00 version B.11.31.0909. Affected products are AB352A, AB290A, AB545A,
A7011A, A7012A.
When traffic is run on a NIC with the Intel 82575 chipset with TSO enabled, a system panic
occurs with "iether_post_tdesc_tso" function on top of the stack trace. This problem occurs
with IEther-00 version B.11.31.1003. Affected products are AD221A, AD222A, AD393A.
Typo error in the nwmgr --st subsys -c
The command nwmgr -s -A all --sa --fr current -c lan
interface controlled by the iether driver fails with the following error message: New
512byte transmit buffer size limit = ERROR: Unsupported attribute.
Typo error in the nwmgr_iether(1M) man page.
When a guest vNIC is created over the iether interface, the iether driver holds lock too
long during AVIO packet processing. This causes an HPVM host panic.
When a guest vNIC is created over the iether interface, the iether driver receives packets
from AVIO guest and handles reset request from the AVIO guest simultaneously. Due to a
problem in the locking mechanism, interface pointers can be reset to null, which causes an
HPVM host panic.
When a guest vNIC is created over the iether interface, HPVM guests with AVIO networking
receive duplicate multicast and broadcast packets from host.
5 Known problems and limitations
The following problems and limitations are known to exist in this release:
Link status detection delay with NC360m and NC364m PCIe Ethernet mezzanine server blade
card (Intel 82571mezzanine cards only)
When a link is down, there is a significant delay before the iether driver detects this and
logs a nettl error.
False link status with NC360m and NC364m autonegotiation OFF (Intel 82571mezzanine
cards only)
When autonegotiation is disabled (set to OFF) for either mezzanine card, and the
corresponding switch port is disabled, the LAN interface link status on the system side is
displayed by nwmgr and lanadmin as UP. It should be displayed as DOWN. The status is
reported correctly when autonegotiation is set to ON.
5 Known problems and limitations
Network Equipment - HP-UX 11i v3 I/O Cards (165.77 kb)