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1 GigEther-01 (igelan) Gigabit Ethernet Driver for HP-UX
11i v2 and 11i v3, September 2010 Release
This document contains information about GigEther-01 (igelan) Gigabit Ethernet Driver supported
on HP-UX 11i v2 and HP-UX 11i v3 for the September 2010 release.
This document discusses the following topics:
“What Is New In This Release” (page 5)
“Related Document” (page 5)
What Is New In This Release
The following information describes the updates to the HP-UX-based Gigabit ethernet driver
called igelan. The GigEther-01 software bundle, which is loaded into the operating environment
(OE), contains the igelan driver.
The September 2010 version of the HP-UX 11i v2 GigEther-01 software bundle contains the
following defect fixes:
The edition 4.0 of the GigEther-01 (igelan) Gigabit Ethernet Driver Release Notes included
the defect QXCR1000997844 due to an error. The defect QXCR1000997844 was fixed in the May
2010 Web release.
File transfer from the HPVM guest via the AVIO interface to another
system fails intermittently when the igelan card is used as a backing
interface in the host. This issue is fixed.
GigEther-01 driver reports wrong link cause to SMH. This issue is fixed.
The September 2010 version of the HP-UX 11i v3 GigEther-01 software bundle contains the
following defect fix:
File transfer from the HPVM guest via the AVIO interface to another
system fails intermittently when the igelan card is used as a backing
interface in the host. This issue is fixed.
A double panic is observed in the crash callback path when the
GigEther-01 driver tries to acquire a lock that is already held. This issue
is fixed.
Related Document
The GigEther-01 documentation is available on the Business Support Center (BSC) at http://
What Is New In This Release