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Aucun element de ce document ne peut etre considere comme une garantie supplementaire. La societe HP ne saurait etre tenue pour responsable des erreurs ou omissions de nature technique ou redactionnelle qui pourraient subsister dans ce document. Ce document contient des informations en propriete exclusive protegees par copyright. Aucune partie de ce document ne peut etre photocopiee, reproduite ou traduite dans une autre langue sans l’autorisation ecrite prealable de HP. Hewlett-Packard Company

• Two telephone/modem/fax connectors (labeled Out) — connects two RF-11 telephone cables from the HP Surge Protector to a telephone line, fax line, modem, or DSL. H Network protection — helps protect your networking equipment from surges and spikes. I Video/coaxial protection — helps protect your cable modem, TV, and VCR from power surges and spikes. The input connector is used to connect a standard RG-6U cable TV input coaxial cable to the HP Surge Protector. Using Your HP Surge Protector You c

Some HP Surge Protector models can protect your telephone, DSL, modem, video, coaxial, and networking equipment. NOTE: Telephone, DSL, and modem protection is not included with model number 2160. Video/Coaxial Protection is not included with model number 1620. A Power cord — a 14-gauge heavy duty cord that provides input power from the wall outlet to the surge-protected outlets. The cord has a 360-degree rotating plug to prevent blocking other outlets and to extend the life of the power cord. B

This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another language without the prior written consent of HP. Hewlett-Packard Company P.O. Box 4010 Cupertino, CA 95015-4010 USA Copyright © 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. HP supports lawful use of technology and does not endorse or encourage the use of our products for purposes other than those permitted by copyright law. The inform

CAUTION: To reduce the risk of electric shock and fire, use only indoors and in dry locations. Do not use with extension cords or plug into another power strip. • Plug the unit into a three-wire, 120-volt, grounded outlet only. • Use the HP Surge Protector indoors only. • Do not install the HP Surge Protector during a lightning storm. • Do not use any extension cords with the HP Surge Protector. • Do not use the HP Surge Protector in a hot, heat-emitting or excessively moist location. • Do not u