Powerware® Prestige Series Installation and Operator’s Manual for IBM Applications (3000 VA) Uncontrolled Copy Communication &DWDOR. . '. 6HULD. . %3&. 9HUVLR. . . &20. PRGH. 6HUB3ULQ. %DX. [. . /$. PRGH. 1RYHO. 6LW. )DXO. 'HWHFWLRQ. 'LVDEOH. 1H. &200. $6&,. 1H. %DXG. . 1H. /$1. 1RYHO. 3UHV. VSDF. ED. W. FRQWLQX. NOTE Catalog #, Serial #, and Version # are all identification numbers unique to your UPS and can also be found on the UPS nameplate. 1 > Continuous Dump The UPS regularly transmits sta