manual abstract
When the {PO] key is used, the amount entered is subtracted from the Cash-in-drawer Total memory but not sales totals. To operate, enter an amount to be taken from the cash drawer and depress the [PO] key whilst the register is in an out-of-sale condition. This operation may be repeated if multiple paid-out items are registered in one transaction. The paid-out amounts are finalized by the [AT/TL] key only (i.e., must always paid out in cash). In a charge posting operation, this key is depressed to pay back all the balance to the customer, after once finalizing the account with the [Chg] key. The [PO] key is also sued as the start key for Pick Up operation. - 23 - EX TAX EXEMPT KEY ([EX]) This key is used to declare the exemption of the taxes from the sale, displaying the sale total excluding the exempted-tax, printing the amount of the post-tax-exempted sale portion. Only a finalizing operation is possible after a [EX] key depression. The [ITEM CORR] key cannot function to delete a [EX] key entry. When multiple tax modifier keys are installed, partial tax exemption as well as all tax exemption may be performed in the following ways: [TX1/M] + [EX] ............................. to exempt TAX 1 only [TX2/M] + [EX] ............................. to exempt TAX 2 only [TX3/M] + [EX] ............................. to exempt TAX 3 only [TX1/M] [TX2/M] * [EX] ................... to exempt TAX 1 and TAX 2 [TX2/M] [TX3/M] -► [EX] ................... to exempt TAX 2 and TAX 3 [TX1/M] [TX3/M] ■> [EX] ................... to exempt TAX 1 and TAX 3 To exempt all the taxes, simply depress [EX] (or depress all the tax modifier keys first, and then depress [EX]). CARD NO. CARD NO. KEY ([CARD NO.]) This key is used to enter the code number (1 to 2) which classifies the credit card company, followed by the sale finalization with the [Chg] key. To operate, enter the Credit Card Company Code number (1 to 20), and depress [CARD NO.] (at this time the code is not printed). Then operate the [Chg] key to finalize the sale. The sale total will be processed into the Charge-in-drawer and the Individual Credit-in-drawer total memories respectively. A wrong code entry up the [CARD NO.] key but before the [Chg] key depression can be corrected by the [C] key. But it is not possible to correct a code entry and print after the [Chg] key depression. When only the [Chg] key is operated without entering a code and depressing [CARD NO.] (or when code "20" is entered through [CARD NO.]), the sale is processed into the "Other Credit Total (CRT20)" memory instead of a specific Credit Card Company classification. If the "Card No. Compulsory" option is selected, the [Chg] key operation will not be accepted without a code entry through [CARD NO.]. Multi-tendering is allowed with multiple codes (if [Chg] is programmed to allow tendering), by repeating to enter each code before [CARD NO] and its amount tendered before [Chg]. If the [Chg] key is programmed to allow finalizing Received-on-Account payment items, the code entry operation described above is allowed even to finalize Received-on-Account payments or to finalize payment entries for a sale with previous balance. - 24 - If a validation, print is performed for a [Chg]~finalized sale with a card code, the Company Name (preprogrammed to the code) will be printed on the validation slip. CASH AMOUNT TENDER / TOTAL KEY ([AT/TL]) (Media 1 Key) This key is used to record all cash paid on transactions, and will be able to finalize a sale operation. Usually this key is programmed to function as both "Tender" and "Total" key. However, the key may be programmed to operate with enforced tendering or as a cash total key. TENDER FUNCTION After the [ST] or [TXBL TL] key is depressed, enter the amount tendered by the customer in payment of the sale, and then depress the [AT/TL] key. The change is automatically computed, displayed, and printed. If the amount tendered is smaller than the sale total, it prints the amount tendered on the receipt with the balance due displayed, but the drawer is not yet opened. In this case, ask the customer for additional payment in cash and repeat the same amount-tendering operation, or use another media key if the balance due is processed as a sale in that media. NOTE: If [AT/TL] is programmed to function as "Tender" key only and the sale total is "0" or negative, no amount tendered can be entered. In this case, [AT/TL] will function just as the "Total" key, so just depress [AT/TL] to obtain the total and finalize the sale. The balance in negative indicates that the amount must be paid back to the customer in cash. TOTAL FUNCTION To obtain the total and finalize a cash sale, depress the [AT/TL] key only. The sale is finalized with the total printed and displayed, and the drawer opens. If the "[TXBL TL] Complsory" option is selected, a [TXBL TL] key depression is always required before finalizing a sale. When the sale is finalized by [AT/TL] or oth...
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