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run from the system that is to receive the new operating system -- the client. The procedure requires that
the system be offline; and it will require a reboot.
1. Boot the Integrity system to the EFI shell prompt.
On HP Integrity systems, an EFI driver enables the LAN card to find a bootp (bootpd(1M)) server
on the network and perform data traffic at the EFI level. On HP Integrity Superdome, rx7620, and
rx8620 servers not all EFI drivers are connected to the LAN cards they support--this helps to
increase system boot-up speed. To use one of the Gigabit LAN cards that supports LAN boot on
these systems, it is recommended that you first use the EFI shell command “search." The “search”
command then connects an EFI driver to the desired LAN card. It is not necessary to use the
“search” command on any other systems before attempting a “LAN Boot”. More information can be
found on the “search” command by using the EFI shell “help” command:
shell> help search
2. Once you are ready to initiate a LAN Boot, at the EFI prompt, enter:
shell> lanboot select
This command will list the cards that support LAN Boot along with a 2-digit selector, and the MAC
address of each card. You will then be prompted to enter the selector to choose the desired interface.
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Legacy System and LAN Card Requirements (for Systems and
LAN Cards that Shipped before June 2005)
HP systems and LAN cards that shipped before June 2005 have some special requirements in order for
LAN Boot to work. There are special system requirements for LAN Boot for all systems shipped before
June 2005, and special requirements for 3 LAN cards shipped before June 2005:
Requirements for legacy systems:
HP 9000 Requirements -- for systems shipped before June 2005:
Ensure that the processor dependent code (PDC) on the HP 9000 system is at the correct
version to support LAN Boot. HP 9000 (PA-RISC-based) systems shipped before June
of 2005 may need to have their PDC updated to support LAN Boot on all the supported
cards. See the latest HP 9000 system firmware matrix at:
Download needed HP 9000 system firmware by going to: http://itrc.hp.com. Select
"patch database," and search for the needed patch number. If not already registered, you
can register for free on the ITRC home page.
HP Integrity Superdome Requirements -- for systems shipped before June 2005:
Ensure that the extensible firmware interface code (EFI) on the HP Integrity Superdome
is at the correct version to support LAN Boot. HP Integrity Superdomes shipped before
June of 2005 may need to have their EFI updated to support LAN Boot on all the
supported cards. See the latest HP Integrity system firmware matrix at:
Download needed HP Integrity system firmware by going to: http://itrc.hp.com. Select
"patch database," and search for the needed patch number. If not already registered, you
can register for free on the ITRC home page.