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manual abstract
Refer to the software installation and USB connection guide. Copyright: Please note that this DVD camcorder is intended for personal use only. Data recorded on the card in this DVD camcorder using other digital/analog media or devices is protected by the copyright act and cannot be used without permission of the owner of copyright, except for personal enjoyment. Even if you record an event such as a show, performance or exhibition for personal enjoyment, it is strongly recommended that you obtain permission beforehand. iv_ English йаяаяюмнвга • lit DVD fflSSÜSIRflÜÍE DVD fflSSÎSIRflïtMÂTâW MPEG2 ’ Ü6Ü*ffiffl«*Ä«W MPEG4«ÄM* Шт® (SD-VIDEO) »ÍTÍSS; о • isas > ф dvd тшжвттттттъш ° • ймшшээшгм ’ setts ° îSffiKfifiîftg; ' ййшщййтшбшймш - • »£№р9вЯШШТ№В&?т]Ё111 : - Samsung DVD ЯК1ЙШ«ЁЙ1В1*+*®ВШ тжжт9чшшжт№цт№&пж&ш&пш&° Samsung - йШй^в^ЕШЛай dvd ш1ЖШ«ёШ*+»й ^Bfítífe ° Samsung ^MtE^ltSft^íIífeMiSfig MM&mmsw - • «fölSÖDtSS!»» ° ° ттт mitmmmmmm№mnmmmm.mmà& ° и#н®г ifi£S£» usb ЗШ1Й ° • №« : ЙШЖ > Ф DVD SiSaS5*IIiait5l«(RlAffiffl » тятьшш / шьтшшшть dvd жткттй ti+±fi®fiî*ssffi«/'i
Cameras - SC-DX103 (18.83 mb)
Cameras - SC-DX105 (18.83 mb)
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