manual abstract
FRESH AIR FROM HRV TO HOUSE 2. FRESH AIR FROM OUTSIDE TO HRV 3. STALE AIR FROM HOUSE TO HRV 4. STALE AIR FROM HRV TO OUTSIDE A05228 ABCDModelin.mmin.mmin.mmin.mmHRVBBLHA115017-1/4438.210-1/2266.74-1/2114.311279.4HRVBBLHA125017-1/4438.210-1/2266.74-1/2114.311279.4EFGModelin.mmin.mmin.mmHRVBBLHA11507-3/4196.94-3/8111.17-3/4196.9HRVBBLHA12507-3/4196.95-13/16147.67-3/4196.9Fig.1--HRVBBLHAUnitDimensions 5 A05426 Fig. 2 - --HRVBBSHA Unit Dimensions HRV A05425 Fig. 3 - -- HRVBBSVA Unit Dimensions Physical data ModelHRVBBLHA1150HRVBBLHA1250HRVBBSVA1100HRVBBSHA1100PortLocationsSideSideTopSideCoreTypePolypropylenePolypropylenePolypropylenePolypropyleneCoreTypePolypropyleneCrossFlowPolypropyleneCrossFlowPolypropyleneCrossFlowPolypropyleneCrossFlowWeight—lb(kg)65(29.5)73(33.2)4242ShippingWeight—lb(kg)75(34)83(37.6)4848ShippingDimensions(in.) HeightWidthDepth23-1/1636-1/1617-13/1622-15/1635-1/1622-15/1625.517.523. 6 Physical data (continued) ModelHRVBBLHA1150HRVBBLHA1250HRVBBSVA1100HRVBBSHA1100Capacity—CFM@ 0.5-0.3ESP(in.wc) 130---168191---21099---10799---107Efficiency(Sensible)—Percent65656666Efficiency(Sensible)Percent32_F(0_C) --13_F(--25_C) 6565656066666666Efficiency(Latent)—Percent@alltemperatures0000HeatCoreExchangeArea— cuft(cum)120(3.4)166(4.7)55(5.1)55(5.1) ModelHRVBBLHA1150HRVBBLHA1250HRVBBSVA1100HRVBBSHA1100Voltage120120120120MaxPower—watts150218150150MaxAmps1. HEATING LOAD BTU Methods to Size HRVs Method 1: 1. Calculate cubic feet of occupied space 2. Multiply by recommended air changes per hour (AC/h) 3. Divide by 60 minutes per hour to convert to CFM Example: 2000 sq ft with 8 ft ceiling 0.35 air changes per hour (AC/h) (2000 sq ft x 8 ft ceiling x 0.35 AC/h) / 60 min/h = 93.3 CFM Method 2: 1. Multiply number of people times 15 CFM/person 2,322 2. Multiply number of bathrooms times 20 CFM/each OutsideTemp°FHeat Load (BTUh) @ Inside Design Temp 72°FHRVBBLHA1150 –25 4,688 –20 4,466 –15 4,598 –10 4,334 –5 4,069 0 3,805 5 3,541 10 3,502 15 3,220 20 2,938 25 2,950 30 2,636 3540 2,009 3. Add25CFM for kitchen The heating load chart shows the heating loads in BTUh for a range of winter design temperatures for each model of ventilator. Example: 2 people EXAMPLE: The heating design temperature for Milwaukee, 2 bathrooms WI, is - --4_F.At - --5_F, the additional heating load of the 1 kitchen HRVBBLHA1250 is 8417 BTUh. This additional load should be taken into consideration when sizing the heating equipment. (2 x 15) + (2 x 20) + 25 = 95 CFM Additional heating and cooling load charts Although the ventilators process the outside air before it enters the home, additional heating and cooling loads need to be considered. 7 COOLING LOAD BTU OutsideCoolingLoad(BTUh)@InsideDesignTemp75°Fand50%RelativeHumidityOutsideEnthalpyBTU/lbHRVBBLHA1150HRVBBLHA1250306701,071311,0901,741321,5092,411331,9283,080342,3473,750352,7664,419363,1855,089373,6045,759384,0236,428394,4427,098404,8617,767415,28042HRV 8,437 5,699 9,107 The cooling load chart shows the loads in BTUh also. To use the cooling load chart, first find the design enthalpy from a psychrometric chart using the design dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures. (See following psychrometric chart.) The cooling load can then be found for a range of enthalpies for each ventilator. EXAMPLE: The cooling design dry bulb temperature for Milwaukee, WI, is 87_F and the average wet bulb at that temperature is 73_F. On the psychrometric chart the enthalpy is about 37.7 BTU/lb of dry air which will round up to 38 BTU/lb of dry air. In the left column, at 38 BTU/lb the HRVBBLHA1250 would have an additional cooling load of 6428 BTUh. This additional load should be taken into account when sizing the air cooling equipment. 8 Psychrometricchart. . . Sensibleheatfactor Pounds of moistureper pound of dry air 7 8 9 10 11 12 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 47 48 49 46 27 28 29 30 31 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 12 13 14 15 16 17 1...
Other models in this manual:Fans - HRVBBLHA (342.69 kb)
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