Other manuals for this model:
manual abstract
• For Enterprise Virtual Array (EVA) storage, HP StorageWorks
Command View EVA software
Choose the switch management
NOTE: The switch supports IPv6, and the Simple SAN
Connection Manager application is IPv6-compatible when running
You can configure and manage the switch using the HP
on an operating system that supports IPv6.
StorageWorks Simple SAN Connection Manager software (Simple
SAN Connection Manager) or the embedded web applet,
Mount the switch
• Simple SAN Connection Manager is a GUI-based management
application for the basic management of SAN components, such
Mount the switch on a flat surface or in a rack using one of the
as switches, HBAs, and storage devices. To configure your switch
following methods:
with Simple SAN Connection Manager, see Switch management
• At ach the four adhesive rubber feet to the bot om of the switch,
using Simple SAN Connection Manager.
and place the switch on a flat surface.
• QuickTools is a browser-based GUI with which you can configure
• Mount the switch in a 19-inch EIA rack following the steps in the
and manage any HP SN6000 Fibre Channel Switch in the
HP StorageWorks 8/20q and SN6000 Fibre Channel Switch
fabric. To configure your switch using QuickTools, see Switch
Rack-Mount Kit Quick Start Installation Instructions.
management using QuickTools on page 5.
Install the transceivers
Switch management using Simple
SAN Connection Manager
A small form-factor pluggable (SFP) transceiver is required for each
switch port that is connected to a device or another switch. SFPs are
If Simple SAN Connection Manager is not installed on any server,
not included with the switch. Only HP SFPs are supported for use in
choose a server on which to install Simple SAN Connection
the switch.
Manager (management station) and then proceed with the
To install an SFP transceiver, insert the transceiver into any of the
following steps. If Simple SAN Connection Manager is already
active switch ports and gently press until it snaps in place. The
installed, connect the switch in step 1, and then proceed to step 3 to
transceiver fits one way only. If the transceiver does not install under
configure the switch.
gentle pressure, invert it and try again.
1. Connect the switch
2. Install Simple SAN Connection Manager
Apply power to the switch
3. Configure the switch using Simple SAN Connection Manager
4. Connect the devices and switches
Connect the AC power cords to the receptacles on the back of the
switch and to the power source. If this is a dual power supply
model, connecting the power cords to separate power circuits
IMPORTANT: Simple SAN Connection Manager version 3.0 or
improves availability. Verify that the Input Power LED is illuminated.
later is required for the HP SN6000 Fibre Channel Switch.
The switch runs self-tests and begins normal operation—this may
take a few minutes. Verify that the Heartbeat LED is flashing once
Connect the switch
per second and that the System Fault LED is not illuminated. Figure 1
identifies the switch LEDs.
1. Connect the switch Ethernet port to the LAN that connects the
server that is running (or will run) Simple SAN Connection
Manager with the other servers in the storage area network.
2. Connect a Fibre Channel cable from the switch to an HBA in the
management station, or connect a Fibre Channel cable from the
switch to any switch in the SAN that includes an HBA connection
from the management station. Each switch port autonegotiates
the proper port type with the connected device or switch.
Figure 1 Switch LEDs
• If Simple SAN Connection Manager is not installed, see Install
1 Input Power LED
2 Heartbeat LED
3 System Fault LED
Simple SAN Connection Manager on page 3.
• If Simple SAN Connection Manager is already installed, see
Configure the switch using Simple SAN Connection Manager on
page 4.
Page 2
...Other models in this manual:
Media Storage - HP SN6000 Stackable 8Gb 24-port Single Power Fibre Channel Switch (1.1 mb)
Media Storage - HP SN6000 Stackable 8Gb 24-port Dual Power Fibre Channel Switch (1.1 mb)
Media Storage - HP SN6000 Stackable 12-port Single Power FC Switch (1.1 mb)