Manafacture: NordicTrack
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manual abstract
The console also features new interactive technology. Having technology is like having a personal trainer in your home. Using the included audio cable, you can connect the exercise cycle to your home stereo, portable stereo, or computer and play special CD programs (CD's are available separately). CD programs automatically control the resistance of the exercise cycle and prompt you to vary your pace as a personal trainer coaches you through every step of your workout. High-energy music provides added motivation. Each CD features two programs designed by certified personal trainers. In addition, you can connect the exercise cycle to your VCR and TV and play video programs (videocassettes are available separately). Video programs offer the same benefits as CD programs, and add the excitement of working out with a class and an instructor. With the exercise cycle connectedto your computer, you can also go to our Web site at and access programs directly from the internet. Explore for details. To purchase CD's and videocassettes, call toll-free 1-800-735-0768. 9 track. When you have completed a lap, a new HOW TO USE THE MANUAL MODE B Begin pedaling to activate the console. The exercise cycle requires no batteries or external power source. Power is supplied by a generator as you pedal. To activate the console, begin pedaling at a speed of about 3 miles per hour or faster. After a few seconds, the console displays will light. A tone will then sound and the console will be ready for use. B Select the manual mode. When the power is / turned on, the manual mode will be selected. If you have selected a P program or the mode, select the manual mode by pressingthe Program Select buttonrepeatedlyuntila trackappears in the matrix. B Begin pedaling and change the resistance of the exercise cycle as desired. As you pedal, SPEED =;= HEART RATE change the resistance of the exercise cycle by pressing the 0-"E' TooE/I Resistance buttons. There are ten resistance levels. Note:After the Resistance buttonsare pressed,itwilltakeamomentforthe exercise cycle to reach the selected resistance _evel. B Monitor your progress with the matrix, the Training Zone bar, and the two displays. The matrix-When the manual mode or the mode is selected, the matrixwillshow a track representing 1/4 mile. As you exercise, the indicators around the track will flash to indicateyour position on the lap will begin. The Training Zone bar--The Training Zone bar will show 'ObDOWN FATBURN ENDURANCE PERFORM/ your pace and the TRAINING ZONES approximateinten sitylevelof your exercise. For example, if three orfour indicatorsinthe barare lit,the bar showsthat yourpace is ideal for fat burning. Duringprograms,the TrainingZone bar willalso promptyouto increase ordecrease yourpace. The left display- lIB TIME _ SEGMENT TIME The left display will show the elapsed [ 8] I J" _1 time, your pedaling PACE _ DISTANCE pace (measured in minutesper mile), and the distance youhave pedaled.The displaywillchange from one numbertothe nextevery few seconds,as shown by the indicatorsaround the display.Note: When a programisselected, thedisplaywillshow the time remainingin the program and the time remaininginthe currentsegmentofthe program instead of the elapsed time. If you stop pedaling for several seconds, a tone will sound, the console will pause, and the left dis play will begin to flash. The right display--The right display willshow your pedaling speed, the approxi mate numbersof fat ca/oriesand calories you have burned (see FAT BURNING on page 21), and the resistance level of the exercise cycle. The displaywill change from one number to the next every few seconds, as shown by the indicators. The display will also show your heart rate when you use the handgrip pulse sensor or the optional chest pulse sensor. Note: Each time the resistance of the exercise cycle changes, the display will show the resistance level. 10 Note: The console place your hands on the contacts;your palms c=l TIM E _:_ SEGMENT TIME can display speed and distance in L--- either miles or kilo _PACE _= DISTANCE meters. To find which unit of measurement is select ed, you must select the console'suser mode. Hold down the Program Select button for aboutthree seconds.The letter=E"for Englishmiles or the letter "M"for metrickilometerswillappearinthe left display.To change the unit of measurement, press the + button. While the user mode is selected, press the Program Start button. The I ii- left display will then show the total pACE number of hours that the exemise cycle has been used. Press the Program Start button again. The left display will then show the total number of miles pedaled. To exit the user mode, press the Program Select button again. O Measure your heart rate if desired, Note: If you hold the handgrip pulse sensor and wear the optional chest pulse sensor at the same time, the console may not displ...
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