manual abstract
Never pour water or spray liquids on any pa rt of the equipment. Alow the equipment to dry com p letely before using. Frequently vacuum the fl oor underneath the eq uipment to prevent the acc umu lation of du st and d irt, which can a fect the smooth operation of the equipment. Use a s o ft nylon scrub brush to clean the running belt on tr eadmils or the groove s on equipment with foot pe dals. CAUTIO N: On treadmill s, as you clean the ho od or side rails, be aware of the handrail extensions so you do not inadvert ently hit your head or injure yourself. EFX: Cleaning the Ramp Whenever the ramp becomesoiled, clean thexposed s u rfaces of the ramp a n d roler whels by taking the folow i ng steps. Note: If you r equipmen t has a ramp cover, rem ove it bef o re performing the f o llowing steps. Refer to the E F X Assembly Guide. Mo isten a clean, soft cl oth in a m ild solution of soap and water. Po sition one foot pedal at the top of the ramp (the other wil automaticaly be positio ned at the bottom). Cl ean the exposed portions of the r amp. Ge ntly lift the roler wheels. Rota te each wheel while wiping it with the clean, soft cloth. Sw itch th e f oot pedal position and finish cleaning the ramp. Storing the Chest Strap If you purchased the optional heart rate chest s t rap, store it in a place where it remains fre of dust and dirt (for example, in a closet or drawer). Be sure to protec the chest strap from extremes in temperature. Do not store it in a pl ace tha t ma y be expose d to temperatures below 32° F (0° C). To clean the chest s t rap, use a sponge or sof t cloth dampened in mild soap a n d water. Dry the surfa ce thoroughly with a cl ean towel. Tretahdem Riuln: nCihnegc Bkeinltg the Alignment of Proper belt alignment al lows t he belt to remain centered and ensures smoth operation. Realigni ng the belt takes a few simple adjustments. If you are unsure ab out this procedure, cal Precor Customer Support. Refer to Obtaining Service . CAUTIO N: Special care must be taken when aligning the run n ing belt. Turn Of the treadmil l whi l e adjusting or working near the rear roller. Remove an y loose clot hing and tie back your hair. Be very caref u l to keep yo ur fingers a nd an y oth er object clear of the belt and rolers, especialy in front of the roler and behind the deck. The treadmil w i l l not stop immediately if an object becomes c a ught in th e belt or rolers. Ma ke sure that the running surfa ce is level. To operate corectly, the treadmil needs to be as level as possible. I f needed, the rear feet can be adjusted to le vel the treadmil (refer to the Assembly Guide ). Tu rn the equipment On. St and beside the treadm il and pres QUICKSTART. If needed, enter the saf e ty code by presing the number keys in sequence: 1, 2, 3, 4. The running belt starts auto ma ticaly after a 3-s econd count down appears on the display. Pr es the SPEED up key until the display shows a sped of 3 mph (5 kph). CAUTION: If you hea r any c h afing or the r unn ing belt appears to be geting damage d, stop th e ru nning belt immediately by pressing the red STOP buton. Contact Pr ecor Customer Support. Wa lk around to the rear of th e equi pment and observe the belt for a few mi nutes. The belt sh ould run centered along the running bed. If the belt drif ts of center, you must make adjustments. Refer to Treadmil: Adjustin g the Running Belt . Important: Failure to al ign t h e belt ma y cause the belt to tear or fray, which is not c o vered by the P r ecor Limite d Warranty. To stop the running belt, pr ess the r e d STOP button. Tu rn the treadmil Of. Treadmil: Adjusting the Runing Belt If you are unsure about adjust ing the runing belt, cal Precor Customer Support (refer to Obtai n ing Service ). CAUTION: For your safety, use t h e power switch to turn Off the treadmill b e fore making any adjustments. D o not adjus t the runing belt when someone istanding on th e equipme n t. Lo cate the right belt adj u stment bol t in the rear end ca p of the treadmil as shown in the folowing figure. Figure 4: L o c a tion of the adjustment bolt To determine left and right, stand at the rear of the treadmi ll and face the display. Make al belt adjustments on the right rea r corner bolt using t he hex key provided. I f the belt is of center to th e LEFT, turn the adjusting bolt . turn counterclockwise , which moves the r unning belt to the right. I f the belt tr acks of center to the RIGHT, tur n the bolt . turn clockwise ; this moves the belt to the left. .. Important: Do not t u rn the adjusti ng bolt mor e tha n . turn at a time. Overtightening the bol t can damage the treadmil. Re check the alignment of the r unni ng belt by repeating the steps found in Treadmil l: Checking the Alignment of t h e R u nning Belt . Upright Cycle: Adjusting the Seat Tilt To adjust the seat tilt on an upright cycle, ta ke the f o lowing steps. Us e a ..... -inch (17 mm) box-end wr ench or crescent wrench to loosen the nut beneath t he seat as shown in the ...
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