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Plug arm cuff into the main unit. DATE AND TIME SETTING OPTION To Set Date and Time Go To A. Or To Bypass Date and Time Go To B. A Press START/STOP button once. The year will flash. Press MEMORY button to advance to current year, then press Q to confirm. Change month, day and time the same way. Unit will shut off when complete. B Press START/STOP button to turn unit on. The year will flash. Press START/STOP again to turn unit off. You have now bypassed setting the Date and Time. Go to STEP

4 Useful Information Bioelectrical Impedance ................................................................................... 5 Body Fat Percentage ......................................................................................... 5 Body Mass Index .............................................................................................. 5 Recommended Body Fat Ranges ..................................................................... 6 Fluctuations in Body Fat Percentage ........

Attach one end of the coiled to the connector on the underside Aneroid (Figure 2). 2. Attach the other end of the coiled the metal connector) to the tube from and bladder (the tube without the bulb assembly). Figure 5 3. The cuff and bladder assembly can be stored in the basket on the back of the aneroid. Once mounted to the wall or affixed to a floor stand, the Omron Aneroid is ready for use. Connector Wall-Mount (for models 11-675D and 11-675DNL) : Coiled Tube 1. Hold wall-mount plate against

7. While holding the aneroid and small hex nut assembly in one hand, insert the small hex nut into the top of the smaller diameter chrome plated pole. Turn the pole counter-clockwise to attach both assemblies. Securely tighten the assembly. 8. The floor-mounted Omron Aneroid is now ready for use. On-Site Calibration: 1. Remove the coiled tube from the connector on the underside of the aneroid. 2. Insert the calibration tool (or small flat-head screw driver) into the connector (from where the coi

Tighten wing nut and slide the wall bracket into the wall-mount plate (Figure 4). Figure 4 3. The wall-mounted Omron Aneroid is now ready for use. Figure 3 Figure 2 240 240 220 180160140 120 100 80 60 40 20 260 280 300 mmHg SPHYGMOMANOMETER CERTIFIED MADE IN JAPAN Air Release Valve Bulb 4 5 ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS Floor Stand Kit models 11-685 Figure 6 Figure 7 1. Insert each of the five (5) wheel casters into each (5) legs of the five-legged base (Figure 6). 2. Insert the la

INSTRUCTION LARGE FACE SPHYGMOMANOMETER Models 11-675D and 11-675DNL 11-685 and 11-685NL 240 240 220 180160140 120 100 80 60 40 20 260 280 300 mmHg SPHYGMOMANOMETER CERTIFIED MADE IN J A PA N 240 240 220 180160140 120 100 80 60 40 20 260 280 300 mmHg SPHYGMOMANOMETER CER TIFIED MADE IN JAPAN COMPONENTS ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS Models: 11-675D Square Face, Wall Mount 11-675DNL Square Face, Wall Mount, LATEX-FREE 11-685 Square Face, Floor Stand 11-685NL Square Face, Floor Stand, LATEX-FREE Omron Cloc

Este instrumento completamente automático descubre rápidamente su presión sanguínea y las medidas del pulso y los visualiza en un tablero digital muy grande. Su nuevo HEM-712C usa el método oscilamétrico de medida de la presión sanguínea. Esto quiere decir que el monitor descubre el movimiento de la sangre por la arteria pulmonar y convierte las movimientos a una indicación digital. Un monitor Oscilamétrico no “» necesita estetoscopio u por eso el monitor es fácil usar. El monitor exhibe el bot

Because hypertension affects nearly one in three Americans1, it is vitally important to have a reliable instrument to help accurately diagnose this condition. Accurate Clinically Validated HEM-907XL with wall mount option Gold Standard Accuracy F Pressure; within ± 3mmHg or 2% F Pulse rate; within ± 5% of reading F Utilized in large scale national clinical trials F ACCORD2 and SANDS3 Validated According to Internationally Accepted Protocols F Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrument