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downloaded: 161   File size: 566 kb   Manafacture: Anritsu  
Category: Network Equipment

Send a 0 (zero) following the command to set the channel power measurement in the current setup. Send a 1 (one) to set the channel power associated with the trace that was most recently uploaded by command #36, Upload Sweep Trace. If Option 6 is installed and the frequency converter module is attached, the frequencies should be scaled by the scale factor of the module. If the module is not attached, frequencies are sent in Hz. Use Control Word A203 to determine whether a module is attached and t

downloaded: 20   File size: 566 kb   Manafacture: Anritsu  
Category: Network Equipment

peak 01b = RMS avg 10b = neg. peak 11b = sampling mode) bits 3-4 : Amplitude Units (Log) -(00b = dBm 01b = dBV 10b = dBmV 11b = dBuV) (Linear) – 00b = Watts 01b = Volts bit 5 : Channel Power On/Off bit 6 : Adjacent Channel Power On/Off bit 7 : Units Type (0b = Log 1b = Linear) 295) Status Byte 4170 (0b = Off/Beep if data is BELOW line, 1b = On/Beep if data is ABOVE line) (LSB) bit 0 : Limit Type (0b = Single, 1b = Multiple) bit 1 : Not Used bit 2 : Single Limit On/Off bit 3 : Single Limit Beep L

downloaded: 11   File size: 8 mb   Manafacture: Anritsu  
Category: Network Equipment

Preset: Use this key to access the preset menu. The preset menu allows you to preset all of the instrument parameters to factory defaults. Esc: Use this key to escape a function setup or parameter entry that has been initiated, but is not desired. 0,1,2...9: Use these keys for entering numerical values. +/-: Use this key for changing a value’s numerical sign. .: Use this key for entering a decimal point. Back Space: Use this key for clearing an active entry. Enter: Use this key for entering the

downloaded: 14   File size: 203 kb   Manafacture: Anritsu  
Category: Network Equipment

Error performance (ITU-T G.821, G.826, M.2100) is available with various pseudorandom patterns and user patterns up to 1024 characters. Frame Relay measurement function, ISDN signaling function (optional), and a simultaneous two-channel monitoring function are also provided. Single button “quick” function and touch-screen ensure easy operation. This unit offers the user sophisticated functions required for installation and maintenance in a small compact unit. Features • One unit supports install

downloaded: 4   File size: 1 mb   Manafacture: Anritsu  
Category: Network Equipment

STOP Description: Stops the measurement mode and puts the sensor in idle mode. Syntax: STOP + LF Return Value: OK or ERR Remarks: This command should be sent before exiting the user application. IDN? Description: Gets identification information from the sensor. Syntax: IDN? + LF Return Value: ANRITSU, Model #, Serial #, Module Serial #, firmware version PWR? Description: Gets the power reading from the power sensor. Syntax: PWR? + LF Return Value: Power value in dBm Remarks: If an error conditio

downloaded: 64   File size: 1 mb   Manafacture: Anritsu  
Category: Network Equipment

Buyers shall prepay transportation charges for equipment returned to Anritsu for warranty repairs. Obligation islimited to the original purchaser. Anritsu is not liable for consequential damages. LIMITATION OF WARRANTY The foregoing warranty does not apply to defects resulting from improper or inadequate maintenance by the User, unauthorized modification or misuse, or operation outside of the specifications of the product. No other warranty isexpressed or implied, and the remedies provided herei
