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Fabric Watch Configuration Setup
2. Select Set Mail Address for Email Alert (option 5). A list of classes to monitor is displayed as
shown in Example Display 11
Example Display 11
Mail Config Menu
0 : Environment class
1 : SFP class
2 : Port class
3 : Fabric class
4 : E-Port class
5 : F/FL Port (Copper) class
6 : F/FL Port (Optical) class
7 : Alpa Performance Monitor class
8 : End-to-End Performance Monitor class
9 : Filter Performance Monitor class
10 : quit
Select an item => : (0..10) [10]The Configuration File Method
3. Choose a class, for example, E_Port class (option 4). A number of entries appear, one a time,
requiring an input after each line. Refer to Example Display 12 for a list of entries to be completed.
Example Display 12
Enter Mail Server IP address : [123.45.678.910]
Enter Domain Name : [yourdomain.com]
Mail To: [your.name@yourdomain.com]
NOTE: For Mail Server IP address, use the IP address of your Name Server.
4. After setting up e-mail notification, the configuration menu appears again (see Example
Display 10). Use option 3 to enable notification for any class.
IMPORTANT: E-mail notification is disabled whenever the switch is rebooted or fastbooted. You may
want to configure an SNMP Management Station to perform e-mail notification to overcome this
limitation. Otherwise, use the fwMailCfg command to obtain the menu shown in Example Display 10,
and select Enable Email Alert (option 3) to re-enable e-mail notification.
The Configuration File Method
The configuration file provides a way to create a uniform Fabric Watch configuration that can then be
downloaded to every switch. This saves time by not having to configure each switch individually. After
you have a desired configuration, save it so it may be used on other switches or for future use (for
example, recovery). Perform the following steps to save and reuse the file:
1. Use the configUpload command to upload the configuration file to a host.
2. Save the file with a meaningful name.
3. Use the configDownload command to download the configuration file to a switch.
4. Use the fwConfigReload command to load the new configurations.
Configuring Fabric Watch with the Web Tools Method
Web Tools software provides a GUI that allows a simple way to configure Fabric Watch. Using Web
Tools, you can:
Configure the SNMP agent to identify SNMP-trap recipients.
View fabric and switch events with the fabric-wide event view.
View and modify threshold and alarm configurations with the Fabric Watch View.
Upload and download the configuration file through the Config Admin tab in the Switch Admin
Application Notes – Fabric Watch Monitoring in a DRM Environment