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User manual HP, model HP 3PAR StoreServ Application Suite for VMware E-Media

Manafacture: HP
File size: 195.17 kb
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Language of manual:en

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Other manuals for this model:

manual abstract

Known issues
The following are the known issues in this version of RMV:
When using the HP 3PAR Copy to Datastore option to copy
It is recommended that the VMware Datastore Browser’s
or clone a thinly-provisioned virtual disk to a Datastore, the
Copy and Paste functions must be used to preserve the
newly created virtual disk is fully populated.
VMware Thin Provisioning disk feature.
Creating a Virtual Copy for a VM by right-clicking a virtual
Manage the Virtual Copy from the HP 3PAR tab, or define
machine from the left panel of the vSphere Client might not
Microsoft Internet Explorer as the default web browser.
function correctly if Microsoft Internet Explorer is not the
Microsoft Windows default web browser.
A single ESXi host that contains multiple host names on an
All WWNs (World Wide Names) of the Fibre Channel host
HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage system is not supported.
adapters from an ESXi host must be defined as a single host
name on the HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage system.
To create a Virtual Copy of a VM, HP 3PAR Management
The vCenter Server has a default period of 15 minutes before
Plug-in and Recovery Manager Software for VMware vSphere timing out any task(s). To prevent the vSphere Client from
initiates a task to create a VMware snapshot for VM
displaying unnecessary timeout error messages, see the
consistency. If the task runs beyond 15 minutes, the vCenter
following VMware support website for recommendations and
Server will time out the task; however, the task still continues instructions for editing the timeout value:
on the ESXi host. Any subsequent attempt to rerun the
VMware task returns the following error message:
Operation failed since another task is in
HP 3PAR Management Plug-in and Recovery Manager
To install the SSL certificate:
Software for VMware vSphere supports secure network
1. After logging on to the vSphere Client, click View
communications between the vSphere Client and itself.
Certificate on the displaying Security Warning dialog.
However, HP also recommends you to install the SSL
2. When the certificate wizard appears, click Install
certificate associated with the plug-in in the desktop where
the vSphere Client resides. Failing to do so might cause
vSphere Client to hang.
3. Follow the prompts in the certificate wizard and then click
OK when installation completes.
4. Click OK on the Security Warning dialog.
5. Close and then reopen the vSphere Client.
This needs to be done only once.
While removing the application, the following event is logged This behavior can be ignored because it does not affect the
in the Event viewer:
uninstallation or reinstallation process.
Application or service '3PAR Management
Plug-in and Recovery Manager for VMware
vSphere Web Service' could not be restarted.
RMVMware.exe Virtual Copy creation fails when virtual
This version supports only English language for virtual
machine or Datastore name is in Japanese.
machines and Datastores.
Perform one of the following workarounds:
• Rename Japanese names to English names.
• Use the UUID method to create snapshots for virtual
machines or Datastores.
Creation of application consistent Virtual Copy fails if the
Application Consistency is not supported on virtual machines
virtual machine has physical compatibility RDM (Raw Device that are configured using physical compatibility RDM LUNs.
If possible, remove physical compatibility RDMs or convert
the VMs to virtual compatibility RDMs.
Virtual Copy volumes display as expirable even though
Remove the expiry value from the base volume or remove the
the Expiry option is not selected. This instance occurs when
expiry value from the Virtual Copies using the HP 3PAR OS
the base volume has an expiration set by the HP 3PAR
StoreServ Storage system. By default, all Virtual Copies inherit
expiry values from the parent base volume.
Known issues


Other models in this manual:
Software - HP 3PAR StoreServ Application Suite for VMware Media (195.17 kb)


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