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manual abstract
Using dbmod utility
If an attribute has to be moved to CLOB from indexed or non-indexed column, remove the corresponding
entry from the 4th or 11th column of the DPAOID file.
NOTE: The multi-valued attributes should never be marked as indexed.
NOTE: The -job-owner attribute cannot accept more than 128 characters. If you specify more
than 128 characters, the Delivery Manager (DLM) server might crash.
The DPAOID file gives an option to specify whether an attribute needs to be indexed or non-indexed for a particular
server or a specific set of servers. The 4th column represents the indexed column and 11th column represents the
non-indexed column respectively. The field can take the following value(s):
Server Name
The maximum size of VARCHAR data type value in MySQL and ORACLE databases is 4000. If you specify a value
greater than 4000, HP Output Server will make that column as CLOB in the database and remove the database
storage limit of an attribute value, because the CLOB has a limit of 4GB.
Example 1
mail-subject . TBSD - pmr Text 001 - - - 34 2000
In the above example, the modified mail-subject attribute’s maximum column size is 2000. Here the
mail-subject attribute is a non-indexed column in both JQM and DSM tables.
Example 2
mail-message . TBSJ - pmr Text 001 - - - 34 4500
In the above example, the modified mail-message attribute maximum column size is set to 4500. Since this value
is greater than 4000, HP Output Server will treat this attribute column as CLOB.
3. Run the mkoiddb command to reflect DPAOIDs changes in the OID database:
mkoiddb <DPAOIDsFile>
NOTE: Ensure that the system date must be set greater than the packaging date, since mkoiddb
command might not update the DPAOIDs file.
4. Execute the dbmod command on the updated DPAOID file as follows:
dbmod -n
If you have moved an attribute from CLOB into indexed or non-indexed column or vice versa for a DLM server, you
can view the changes made by executing the following command:
dbmod -n dlm [-O DPAOIDsFile] -L none
5. Start the HP Output Server servers that were stopped, by executing the following command:
Technical Note