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Delivering documents to SAPconnect nodes in SAP R/3 Enterprise
Obtaining the sample programs and layout sets
HP Output Manager for R/3 is a set of interfaces that integrates SAP R/3 applications with HP Output Server. The
Dazel SAPconnect Server component of HP Output Manager for R/3 is an R/3 communications server that provides
SAP R/3 users a fax interface and job-status reporting. The Dazel SAPconnect Server integrates the SAP BC-CON
interface with HP Output Server by accepting documents from a SAPconnect node and passing them to HP Output
Server. It does not use the R/3 host spool system for faxing; all messages communicated in or out of the SAPconnect
Server are stored in the SAPoffice message queue.
The sample SAPscript and ABAP programs in this technical note are examples of programs that enable SAP R/3
Enterprise to deliver SAP R/3 application-generated documents to SAPconnect nodes. These documents can then be
routed to HP Output Server fax and e-mail destinations through the Dazel SAPconnect Server of HP Output Manager
for R/3.
Obtaining the sample programs and layout sets
Table 1-1 identifies the program names and a brief description of the sample SAPscript print programs, layout sets,
and the ABAP report program referenced in Examples 1, 3, and 4 in this technical note. Example 2 references the
standard invoice driver program (RLB_INVOICE) and Smart Form (SF_LB_INVOICE) that are included in an SAP
R/3 Enterprise system. “Sample Programs” on page 15 contains the text of the sample print programs, layout sets,
and report program described in Table 1-1.
Table 1-1. Sample programs, layout sets, and report
Sample Name
Sample Type
SAPscript print program
Generates a custom SAPscript sales order with the sample layout set
YRVORDER01 for order confirmation in the Sales and Distribution
module of an SAP R/3 Enterprise system.
layout set
Used with the sample print program YRVADOR01 to generate a
custom SAPscript sales order in the Sales and Distribution module
of an SAP R/3 Enterprise system.
SAPscript print program
Generates a purchase order form with the sample layout set
layout set
Used with the sample print program YHP_FORM to generate a
purchase order form.
ABAP report program
Retrieves a data list, creates a document, and sends it to a
SAPconnect node.
Uploading the sample files
To see how the sample programs and layout sets identified in Table 1-1 function in the examples described in this
technical note, you must first upload each file to your SAP R/3 Enterprise test environment. To upload the sample
SAPscript programs and the ABAP report program, follow the steps in the following section, “Uploading the sample
programs into the test environment.” To upload the sample layout sets, follow the steps in “Uploading the sample
layout sets” on page 4.
Uploading the sample programs into the test environment
This section shows you how to upload the sample SAPscript print programs and the sample ABAP report program to
your SAP R/3 Enterprise test environment.
NOTE: To upload the sample layout sets identified in Table 1-1, follow the steps in “Uploading
the sample layout sets” on page 4.
Technical Note