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manual abstract
Entries are added to the Input SPFDIR whenever an input spoolfile is created. This may
be due to accessing an input spooled device or typing in the STREAM command.
Entries are deleted whenever access to the input spoolfile is complete or when the input
spoolfile is deleted.
The Input SPFDIR limits the system to just over 9900 input spoolfiles.
NOTE: the actual number of input spoolfiles may be less than 9900 due to other system
limitations. One of these is disc space. It is difficult to estimate the amount of disc space
input spoolfiles will require. If the IN.HPSPOOL group or the HPSPOOL account has a
filespace limit specified (via the :ALTGROUP or :ALTACCT command) then the
number of input spoolfiles may be less than 9900. In addition the total amount of disc
space available on your system may limit the number of input spoolfiles.
Another limitation is the number of jobs allowed on the system. There is one input
spoolfile per job. There is a current limit of approximately 3500 JMAT entries, so this is
a de facto upper limit to the number of input spoolfiles (if we ignore :DATA files). Note
that although the JMAT is limited to 3500 entries, not all of these can be logged on
concurrently, and some entries are probably devoted to sessions. This further limits the
number of input spoolfiles on the system.
(2) Output spool file dir - KSO286
There is an entry in the Output SPFDIR table for each 'linked' output spoolfile on the
system. You can think of a 'linked' spoolfile as one that will print automatically if the
outfence is low enough and the printer is online and ready. A spoolfile will be linked
automatically when a user accesses a spooled output device or issues the
SPOOLF;PRINT command on an existing output spoofile. Now that spoofiles are just
ordinary disc files (although they do have a special variable length record structure), they
may reside in any group and account. However, to be 'linked', the spoolfile must reside in
OUT.HPSPOOL and have an entry in the Output SPFDIR.
Entries are deleted from the Output SPFDIR when a user enters the SPOOLF; DELETE
command or because all copies of the spoolfile were printed and the spoolfile was not
flagged to be saved after printing.
The Output SPFDIR limits the system to just over 9900 'linked' output spoolfiles.
NOTE: the actual number of output spoolfiles may be less than 9900 due to disc space
limitations. It is difficult to estimate the amount of disc space output spoolfiles will
require. If the OUT.HPSPOOL group or the HPSPOOL account has a limit specified (via
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Software - MPE/iX 6.5 Operating System (82.62 kb)