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manual abstract
HP OpenVMS Cluster Software
SPD 29.78.27
bridge or the Network Storage Router bridge are sup-
VAX-11/7xx, VAX 6000, VAX 7000, VAX 8xxx, VAX
ported. As is true with SCSI, systems connected to a
9000, and VAX 10000 series systems require a sys-
multihost Fibre Channel bus must also be configured
tem disk that is accessed via a local adapter or
with another interconnect to provide system-to-system
through a local CI or DSSI connection. These sys-
tems cannot be configured to boot as satellite nodes.
All systems connected to a common CI, DSSI, or
general-purpose communications interconnects that can
Memory Channel interconnect must be configured
be used to implement a local area network (LAN). Ex-
as OpenVMS Cluster members.
OpenVMS Clus-
cept where noted, OpenVMS Cluster support for these
ter members configured on a CI, DSSI, or Memory
LAN types is identical. The ATM device must be used as
Channel will become members of the same Open-
an emulated LAN configured device. Ethernet and FDDI
VMS Cluster (this is imposed automatically by the
provide system-to-system communication. Storage can
OpenVMS Cluster software). All systems connected
be configured in FDDI environments that support FDDI-
to a multihost SCSI bus must be configured as mem-
based storage servers.
bers of the same OpenVMS Cluster.
An OpenVMS Cluster system can include any num-
OpenVMS Cluster configurations can be configured us-
ber of star couplers. Table 2 shows the number of CI
ing wide area network (WAN) infrastructures, such as
adapters supported by different systems. The num-
DS3, E3, and ATM. Connection to these media is
ber of star couplers that a system can be connected
achieved by the use of WAN interswitch links (ISLs).
to is limited by the number of adapters with which it
is configured.
Memory Channel is a high-performance interconnect
that provides system-to-system communication. Mem-
The maximum number of systems that can be con-
ory Channel does not provide direct access to storage,
nected to a star coupler is 16, regardless of star cou-
so a separate storage interconnect is required in Mem-
pler size.
ory Channel configurations.
The KFQSA Q-bus to DSSI adapter does not support
Configuration Rules
system-to-system communication across the DSSI;
systems using this adapter must include another in-
Mixed-architecture clusters are limited to two types
terconnect for system-to-system communication.
of architecture-based configurations. The first is the
The maximum number of systems that can be con-
long-standing VAX and AlphaServer mixed clusters.
nected to a DSSI is four, regardless of system or
The second is a mixed AlphaServer and Integrity
adapter type. Any mix of systems and adapters is
server cluster. These are fully supported configu-
permitted, except where noted in the Hardware Sup-
port section of this SPD. Depending on the system
Support of a VAX server with an Integrity server sys-
model, it may not be possible to configure four sys-
tem in a mixed-architecture cluster (with or without
tems on a common DSSI bus because of DSSI bus
AlphaServers included) is not a formally supported
cable-length restrictions. Refer to the specific system
configuration for production environments. This type
system configuration manuals for further information.
of configuration, however, can be used temporarily
The maximum number of AlphaServer systems that
as an interim step for the purposes of development
can be connected to a SCSI bus is 3. If the SCSI
and migration, as applications are moved from VAX
bus includes a five-port or greater Fair Arbitration
to either an AlphaServer or Integrity server platform.
SCSI Hub (DWZZH–05), the maximum number of
Should a problem arise while using this type of con-
AlphaServer systems is increased to 4. Starting with
figuration, the customer will be advised to either re-
OpenVMS Version 8.2-1, a maximum of 2 Integrity
vert back to their VAX-Alpha cluster environment, or
server systems can be connected to a SCSI bus.
remove the VAX from the cluster that contains In-
This configuration has several restrictions, which are
tegrity server systems.
documented in HP OpenVMS Version 8.2–1 for In-
tegrity Servers New Features and Release Notes.
The maximum number of systems supported in an
OpenVMS Cluster system is 96.
With OpenVMS
The maximum number of multihost SCSI buses to
Version 8.2 for Integrity servers, a restriction exists
which an AlphaServer system can be connected to
where the maximum mixed-architecture cluster node
is 26.
count is 16. For OpenVMS V8.2-1 for Integrity server
systems and later, this restriction has been removed.
The configuration size for Fibre Channel storage in-
creases on a regular basis with new updates to
Every system in an OpenVMS Cluster system must
OpenVMS. As such, please refer to the Guidelines
be connected to every other system via any sup-
for OpenVMS Cluster Configurations manual for the
ported OpenVMS Cluster interconnect (see Table 1).
most up-to-date configuration capabilities.