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HP Pascal For OpenVMS
Pascal Extensions:
Many compiler directives such as %ARCH_NAME,
DOUBLE (VAX D_floating and VAX G_floating on
etc. to allow compile-time information to be inserted
OpenVMS VAX, OpenVMS Alpha, and OpenVMS I64
into the compiled program.
and IEEE T_floating on OpenVMS Alpha and I64)
data type that supports the Alpha double range and
Compiler directives such as %F_FLOAT, %S_FLOAT,
double precision floating point architectural features
etc. to allow fine grained control of floating literal for-
mats (OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS I64 systems
QUADRUPLE (VAX H_floating on OpenVMS VAX
and IEEE X_floating on OpenVMS Alpha and I64)
data type that supports the Alpha extended range
As a native-mode language, HP Pascal is integrated into
and extended precision floating point architectural
the Common Language Environment. This integration
provides HP Pascal users with:
Support for null-terminated strings via the C_STR_T
Support for OpenVMS interlanguage calling standard
predefined type and the MALLOC_C_STR, C_STR,
Access to all OpenVMS system services
PAS_STRCPY, and PAS_STR predefined functions
Access to the facilities of the OpenVMS Symbolic
VARYING data type denoting variable-length charac-
ter strings up to 65,535 characters
Callable interfaces to the OpenVMS Common Run-
Language elements providing sequential and ran-
time Library
dom access to RMS relative files, and sequential and
Oracle CDD/Repository support
keyed access to RMS multikey indexed files
Support for the Language-Sensitive Editor/Source
Optional attributes specification on constants, vari-
Code Analyzer to provide error diagnostics to
ables, types, type identifiers, routines, routine param-
Language-Sensitive Editor component, cross refer-
eters, schema discriminants, and compilation units
ence information for Source Code Analyzer compo-
nent, and support for low-level program design, in-
MODULE capability for combining procedures, func-
cluding the processing of pseudocode. In addition,
tions, and other declarations for compilation separate
HP Pascal for OpenVMS VAX Systems also supports
from the main program
the extraction of design information from comments.
ENVIRONMENT and INHERIT attributes to control
Ability for functions to return structured types (other
separate and independent compilation
than file types)
Options available to Pascal users at compile time in-
predefined types
Run-time checks for array, character string, and sub-
VALUE initialization section and optional value initial-
range bounds
ization in declaration section program level
Run-time checks for arithmetic overflow, valid case
External procedure and function declarations
selector values, and null pointer variables
Nonpositional passing of parameters
Run-time checks for invalid declarations and illegal
GOTO usage
Generation of information for use by the OpenVMS
Symbolic Debugger and the run-time error traceback
SELECT, SELECTONE statements (OpenVMS Al-
pha and OpenVMS I64 systems only)
Creation of an environment file facilitating separate
Default values for parameters
Double-quoted character strings with backslash con-
Cross-reference listing
Creating in the listing file a representation of the ob-
31-character identifiers that can include dollar sign
ject code generated by the compiler
($) and underscore (_)
Printing of information-level messages including flag-
Conditional compilation facility including the %IF di-
ging uses of extensions to the ISO and ANSI Pascal
rective and the /CONSTANT command line qualifier
to provide for compilation of code that has many vari-
ants or configurations.