manual abstract
TRASH PUMP WT20X*WT30X OWNER'S MANUAL Thank you for purchasing a Honda trash pump. This manual covers the operation and maintenance of WT20X and WT30X trash pumps. Ail information in this publication is based on the latest product information at the time of printing. The illustrations in this manual are based on the WT30X pump. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice and without incurring any obligation. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission. This manual should be considered a permanent part of the pump and should remain with the pump if it is resold. It is illegal in some areas to operate an engine without a U.S.D.A. qualified spark arrester; check local laws and regulations. An optional spark arrester for this pump is available from your authorized Honda pump dealer. Pay special attention to statements preceded by the following words: Indicates a strong passibifity of severe persona! injury or fuss of Isfe if instructions are not foiie wed. CAUTION: Indicates a possibility of persona! injury or equipment damage if instructions are not followed. NOTE: Gives helpful information. If a problem should arise, or if you have any questions about the pump, consult an authorized Honda dealer. HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD. 1986, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CONTENTS 1. PUMP SAFETY ..................................................................... 1 2. COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION .............................................. 3 3. PREPARATION ..................................................................... 4 4. PRE-OPERATION CHECK ....................................................... 5 5. STARING THE ENGINE .......................................................... 9 6. OPERATION ............................:........................................... 11 7. STOPPING THE ENGINE ........................................................ 13 • High altitude operation ....................................................... 14 8. MAINTENANCE ................................................................... 15 9. TRANSPORTING/STORAGE ................................................... 22 10. TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................................ 24 11. SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................. 26 12. WARRANTY SERVICE ........................................................... 27 1. PUMP SAFETY ■,;vh Honda pump.s a?e designed to ysve sate: and dapendahis service it operated according to instructions, Read and understand this Cwn-'i’i Manual befora operating the pump. Failure to do so could result in ¡^a* scfsjsi mjury or equipment damage. For safety, never pump flammable or corrosive liquids such as gosoHne or acid. Also, to avoid pump corrosion, never pump sea water, chefwc#1 solutions, or caustic PqiJds such as used oil, wine, or milk. Place the pump on a firm, levs! surface. If the pump is tiited or overtum-etf, fuel spillage may result To prevent fire hazards and to provide adequate ventilation,. keep the pusmp at Eefist 1 meter {3 feet) away from building wails and other equip- .. mersi during operation. Do not p!acs f lamina hie objects close to -. >'.■ pump. p Know how to stop iho pump quickly, and understand the operation of at* 'kky. controls. Never permit anyone to operate ths pump without proper S instructions, A Gasoline is extremely flammable and is explosive under cer;->;' F conditions. E ; Refuel in a weft vent^ated araa with the engine stopped. i)o nol T ■; or allow flames or sparks in the refueling area or where gasoline ^ stored. XC'-i ■ Do not overfill the fuel tank Alter refuelinn, make sure the tank cap i; closed properly and securely. Fuel vapor or spilled ?uoi may iguite. if fuel is .«¡pilled, make sore the area, 5s dry before starting tbs engine. Never run the «ngine in an enclosed or confined area. Exhaust cantjint> poisonous carbon monoxide gas; exposure can cause loss of v.'.-u scioosness and may lead to death. The muffler becomes very hot, during operation and remains hot for as ” " whiie after stopping the engine^ Be careful mot to touch the muffler v/ri!« «¿¡¡V it it? hot. Let the eng ¡si e cool before storing ihe pump indoors. Children ;a>” and pets must be kept away from the area of operation due to a possibility of hums from hoi engine components. 1 Read these labels before you operate the pump. GASOLINE WARNING LABEL —WARNING— DO NOT PUMP FLAMMABLE OR CORROSIVE MATERIALS. AN EXPLOSION OR FIRE COULD RESULT, CAUSING SEVERE PERSONAL INJURY. PUMP CAUTION LABEL CAUTION! 00 NOT RUN WITHOUT PRIMING WATER. DRY OPERATION WILL BURN THE SEAL PRECAUCION! N0 HAGA FANCIONAR SIN CEBADO FUNCIONAMIENTO SECO QUEMA EL SELLO. VORSICHT! VOR DEM ANLAUFEN BEI TESTUND LEERLAUF GEHÄUSE MIT WASSER BEFÜiliN. TROCKEN- ' AUF ZERSTÖRT DIE DICHTUNGEN. í PRÉCAUTION! NE FAITE PAS FONCTIONNER SANS A MRS AGE. FANCTKMNEMENT AU SEC BRULE LE JOINT...
Other models in this manual:Water and Air Pumps - WT30X (721.84 kb)