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What’s in FG Connects Live? . Live Demo Song (..p. 3) . New Motion Phrases (..p. 4) . Updated and New User Live Sets (..p. 6): • 1-10—Newly Programmed (Common) • 11-20—General Mixture of New Electronic Sounds • 21-38—One-Finger Jams • 39-55—Tech-y Sounds • 56-63—Arps • 64-99—Synth Bass • 100-118—Pads • 119-127—Pulsating • 128-129—Hits • 130-149—Rhythm Pattern Sets • 150-162—Orchestral Sections • 163-201—Solo Orchestral . Updated and New User Patches (..p. 8): • 1-20—Newly Programmed (Common) • 21-115—New Electronic Sounds (synth bass, pads, arps, pulsating, one-!nger jams, and tech-y sounds) • 116-170—Orchestral Sounds (section and solo) . New User Studio Sets (..p. 10): . New Favorite Banks !lled with sounds and tips on how to use the Fantom-G to its fullest (..p. 10): • Bank 1—Live Demo featuring basic Fantom-G and FG Connects Live features, ARX audio demos and information, and a Skipback Sampling overview and tutorial • Bank 2—New “Common” Live Sets • Bank 3—One-Finger Jams • Bank 4—Arps and Pulsating Sounds • Bank 5—Pads • Bank 6—Synth Bass • Bank 7—Tek Sounds • Bank 8—Rhythm Pattern Sets • Bank 9—Motion Phrases • Bank 10—Orchestral-Multi Live Sets • Bank 11—Orchestral Section Live Sets • Bank 12—Skipback Sampling Demo • Bank 13—ARX-01 Drums • Bank 14—ARX-02 Electric Piano • Bank 15—ARX-03 Brass 1 Roland Fantom-G FG Connects Live Updating to Version 1.50 What Will I Need? • Your Fantom-G • A PC or Mac Computer • A USB "ash drive • The update !les (fan_g_upa.bin and fan_g_upc.bin) found in the same folder as this Read Me !le . Format the USB Drive If the drive has already been formatted on the Fantom-G, you can skip this step. IMPORTANT: Formatting a USB Flash Drive will completely erase its contents! Proceed with caution! 1. Carefully insert a USB !ash drive into the Fantom-G’s MEMORY slot. 2. Press the MENU button. 3. Cursor to “Format USB Memory” and press F8 (Select). 4. Press F7 (OK). The screen will read “Format USB Memory Completed!” 5. Press F7 (OK). . Back Up the Internal Project 1. Press MENU. 2. Cursor to “Project” and press F8 (Select). 3. Cursor to “Backup Project” and press F8 (Select). 4. Press F7 (OK). When !nished, the screen will read “Backup Project Completed!” 5. Press F7 (OK). . Add the Update File to the Drive 1. Insert the USB !ash drive into your computer. • WINDOWS: A “FANTOM G” window should appear. If not, go to your computer’s Start menu and double-click “My Computer”. • MAC OSX: A “FANTOM G” drive appears on the desktop. 2. From the update folder you downloaded, drag (or copy/paste) both the “fan_g_upa.bin” and “fan_g_upc.bin” "les to the USB drive. NOTE: Don’t place “fan_g_upa.bin” and “fan_g_upc.bin” inside any folder on the USB drive. 3. After the two "les have been copied, eject the “FANTOM G” drive from the computer. • WINDOWS: Right-click on the FANTOM-G drive and select “Eject”. • MAC OSX: Drag the FANTOM-G drive to the trash. . Install the Update 1. Turn off the Fantom-G. 2. Insert the USB !ash drive into the Fantom-G’s MEMORY slot. 3. Turn on the Fantom-G. A blue screen appears. When fully updated, the screen reads “> Completed!” 4. Turn off the Fantom-G. 5. Remove the USB "ash drive! 6. Turn on the Fantom-G. . Factory Reset 1. Press MENU. 2. Cursor to “Factory Reset” and press F8 (Select). The screen reads “This will clear all the internal memory contents, are you sure?” 3. Press F7 (OK). The screen will read “Factory Reset Completed!” 4. Press F7 (OK). 2 NOTE: The Fantom-G Version 1.50 update contains Live Sets, patches, phrases, and other content. If you’d like to explore this new content, skip to “New Features in 1.30”. If you’d prefer to reload your old project, perform “Restore Project”. Roland Fantom-G FG Connects Live Live Audio Demo FG Connects Live features a new live audio demo that discusses the Fantom-G’s Live mode and new FG Connects Live features. The audio demo is approximately two and a half minutes long. Playing the Demo Song 1. Press FAVORITE. The Favorite Play screen appears: 2. If necessary, press the CURSOR UP button to select Favorite Bank 01. 3. Press F1 (Live Demo). The Live Demo Song loads. 4. Press PLAY. 5. Press EXIT to return to the Live Play screen. 6. Listen, watch, and enjoy! 3 Roland Fantom-G FG Connects Live New Motion Phrases Designed with contemporary pop, hip-hop, and dance musicians in mind, the new FG Connects Live project adds hundreds of unique tempo-synced effects phrases to create instant motion to any sound. Using the Fantom-Gs 16 dynamic pads, players can now experiment with adding combinations of "lter effects, panning, cutoff, and gating to their sounds. This gives performers of all kinds in"nite possibilities to inspire remixing and sound manipulation on the stage and in the studio. . Playing the Motion Phrases 1. Press LIVE. 2. Turn the VALUE dial to select Live Set 026: TRob- binz Mod. 3. Play the Fantom’s keys. This Live Set consists of a drum beat with grimy four-bar synth line. 4. While playing the keys, press PAD ...