Manafacture: Roland
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manual abstract
1 The numbers written on the keys are MIDI Note Numbers. PG# = MID! Program Change number (1-126). '— " means 'empty. 117 MANUAL DRUMS AND KEY ASSIGNMENT Nols DRUM SET 1 Standard {PG#1) instrument □RUM SET 2 Room (PG#9) Instrument DRUM SET 3 Power (PGJ17) Instrument DRUM SET 4 Eiec {PG025) Instrument DRUM SETS Tr-808 (PG#26) Instrument ( Only Via WIDl ) Jazz (PGÍ33) instrument DRUM SET 6 Brush (PG#41) Instrument DRUM SET 7 Orcfie (PG#49) Instrument DRUM SETS SfJt (PGÍ57) instrument 36 608 BO Jazz 80 Sida Stick 38 Brush Swish Hand Clap Brush Slap HighO 40 Snare Drum 2 Brush Swlrt Concert SO Slap 41 Room Low Tern 2 Rcxxn Low Tom 2 Etec Low Tom 2 Timpani F 42 Timpani FI 43 Low Tom 1 Room Low Tom 1 Room Low Tom 1 Bee Low Tom Timpani G Tim pan/ Gi Square CRck 45 Mid Tom 2 Room Mid Tom 2 Room Mid Tom 2 Eiec Mid Tom 2 T'impart A Metronome Click Open Hi-Hal Timpani A# Metronome BeB 47 Mid Tom 1 Room Mid Tom 1 Room MidTom 1 808 Mid Tom Trmpan/В Guitar siitfng finger 48 High Tom 2 Room Ht Tom 2 808 High Tom Timpani c Glr Noise 1 Crash Cymbal BOeCymbat Timpani q# Gtr Noise 2 50 High Tom 1 Room Hi Tom 1 Timpani d Siring Slap 51 Ride Cymbal 1 Timpani d# Key Click 52 Chinese Cymbal 1 Reverse Cymbal Timpani a 53 Ride Seil Timpani I Screaming 54 Tambourine Punch 55 Splash Cymbal Heart Beat 56 CowbeS Footalepsl 57 Crash Cymbal 2 Concert Cymbal Footsteps2 Vibra-stap Applause 59 Ftide Cymbai 2 Concert Cymbal Door Creaking 60 High Bongo Door 61 Low Bongo 62 Mule High Conga 808 High Conga 63 Open High Conga 808 Mid Conga Car-Englne 64 Low Conga 808 Low Conga Cac-Slop 65 -G High Timbale Car-Pass LowTVnbaJe Car-Crash 67 High Agogo 68 Low Agogo Train 69 Cabasa Jetpiane 70 Helicopter 71 Short Hi Whistle Starship 72 Long Low WhlsUe Gun Shot Short Guiro Machinegun 74 Long Guira Lasergun 75 Claves Explosion 76 High Wood Block Oog 77 Low Wood Stock Horse-Galtop Birds 79 Open Cuica 80 Mute Triangle 81 Open Triangle Shaker Sea Shore 83 Jingle Bell 84 SubWe 85 Caslsneis 86 Mute Surdo 87 Open Surdo 28 Slap Pedal Hi-Hat 29 Open Hl-Hat Scratch 2 Ride Cymbal 31 Sticks Square Click 33 Metronome r ;ck 134 Metronoms bell 35 Kick Drum 2 27 HighO 88 ONLY VIA MIDI Applause ’ The blank positions have the same instruments of “Standard* set. ’ The numbers written on the keys are MIDI Note Numbers. PG# = MIDI Program Change number (1*128). *— " means “empty". 117 • Accordi di settima (7) Gli accordi di due note in settima possono essere suonati usando la nota di un accordo maggiore uni-to ad una nota posta due tasti a sinistra. C7 • Accordi Minori (min) Gli accordi minori si for-meranno suonando ta nota di un accordo maggiore e aggiungendo ad essa la nota délia terza minore in alto (tre tasti a destra). Cmin ¡irnifTIBl ! hi tit Ht Emin ÏÏMŒ • Seventh Chords (7) Two-note seventh chords can be formed by playing the one-note Major chord along with the note a whole step (two keys) to the left. C#7 • Minor Chords (min) Minor Chords are formed by playing the one-note chord with an added note a minor third higher (three keys to the right). C#min • Septimenakkorde (7) Septimenakkorde werden erzeugt, wenn man zusätzlich zu der Taste für einen Durakkord eine um einen ganzen Schritt (zwei Tasten) weiter links liegende Taste spielt. * Mollakkorde (min) Mollakorde können gespielt werden, indem man zusätzlich zu der Taste für einen Durakkord eine um eine kleinere Terz höhere Taste (drei Tasten nach rechts) anschlägt. Dmin il Iff il F #min 91 Bbmin • Accords de septième Les accords de septième peuvent être formés en jouant ¡a note tonique de l’accordptus la note située un ton (deux touches) en dessous (sur ta gauche). Eb7 • Accords Mineurs Les accords mineurs sont formés en jouant leur note tonique avec une tierce mineure supérieure en plus (trois touches vers la droite). Ei>mîn 119 MIDI IMPLEMENTATION CHART MODEL: ROLAND E-14 Date: June 1996 Version: 1.00 FUNCTION TRANSMITTED RECOGNIZED REMARKS Default Basic Channel Changed 1-3-4-5-8-10 X X X 1 = Accomp. 2 3 = Lower 4 = Upper 5 = Accomp. 1, Accomp. 3 8 = Acc. Bass 10 = Man. Drums, Acc. Drums, Style Pg. Ch. Midi channels are unchangeable Default X X Mode Messages X X Altered ************** X Note 0—127 X Number: True voice ************** X , .. Note ON О *1 X Vel0Clty Note OFF X X After Key’s X X Touch Ch’s X X Pitch Bender 0 X Resolution: 12 bit 0,32 о X Bank select 1 о X Modulation Control 7 X X Volume 64 о X Hold 1 Change 91 о X Effect 1 depht 93 о X Effect 3 depht 121 X X Reset all ctrl. Program о X Change: True # ************** X System Exclusive X X System : Song Pso X X : Song Sel X X Common : Tune X X System : Ciock о X Real Time : Commands о X Aux : Local ON/OFF X X : AN notes OFF X X Messages : Active...