manual abstract
Buzzer sounds and display will show recipe number that was programmed with the number blinking. 13.Press PGM to enter run mode. (Buzzer sounds) 14.Press STD to return to standard mode or set recipe selector to the desired recipe. 15.Select the recipe that you programmed and verify proper operation. UNLOADING1.Openthe bowl guard wirecageassembly. 2.Lower bowl support. 3.Removethe agitator from the agitatorshaft. 4. Slightlyliftthe bowloff thepin (rightside),pullbowl to the frontand removefrom the bowlsupport (leftside). WIRE CAGEThe bowlguard wire cage can be rotatedout ofthe waytoadd ingredients or to access thebowl andagitator. Note howthe plastic carriers allow thewire cage to ride around the circumferenceoftheplanetarydrip cup. ..Open thebowl guard wirecage: rotateitto your left (Fig. 9). ..Closethe bowlguardwire cage:rotate it toyour right untilit stops, closed position (Fig. 10). NOTE:The bowl guard wirecagemustbe returnedtothe closedpositionfor the mixer tooperate. Fig. 9Fig. 1014 Removeand CleanBowl Guard Wire Cage(Fig. 11) 1. Rotate wire cage toyourleftuntil the three carriersalign with thecarrierescape slots inthe circular ridge of the planetary dripcup. 2. Lift the wirecagestraight up so the carriers escapefromthe slots onthe drip cup.Thebowl guardwire cage can nowberemovedby pulling toward you. Escape Slots(3) Fig. 113. Washthe bowlguard wire cage in a sink, rinse with clear water,and dry with a cleancloth. 4.The splashguard can be wiped offand/or washed with acloth or sponge using warm, soapy water. Rinse withclear water and drywith a clean cloth. Reinstall Bowl GuardWire Cage1.Position theringofthe bowl guardwire cage sothe carriers are positioned abovethe slotsinthe planetary drip cup. 2.Lower the bowlguard wire cage so thecarrierspass throughthe slots. 3. Rotate the bowl guard wire cage to your right until it contacts the stop, closed position. 15 AGITATORS AND ATTACHMENTS Attachments for attachment huband agitators are covered in a separateHobartLegacyMixerUseandApplication Handbook on theMixer Operator Information CD.Followthe instructionsaccordingly. Available Agitators and Attachments12 & 20 Qt. B Flat Beater12 & 20 Qt. D WireWhip12 & 20 Qt. ED Dough Hook 20 Qt. E Dough Hook12 & 20 Qt. SST Bowl12 & 20 Qt. Scraper12 & 20 Qt. Splash Cover12 & 20 Qt. C Wing Whip 16 12 & 20 Qt. P PastyKnife12 & 20 Qt. Ingredient Chute 12 & 20 Qt. TableCLEANINGWARNING:UNPLUGMACHINE POWER CORD BEFORE BEGINNING ANY CLEANINGPROCEDURES. The mixer shouldbethoroughlycleaned daily. DO NOT use a hose to cleanthe mixer;itshouldbewashedwith a clean, damp cloth.The base allows ampleroomfor cleaning under themixer.Theapron(Fig. 1) may be removed forcleaningby looseningthe screws.Thedripcup (Fig.1)should be removed (which is securedwith 3 screws)periodicallyandwiped clean. Forcleaning thebowlguardwire cage referto page 15. 17 MAINTENANCEWARNING:UNPLUGMACHINE POWER CORD BEFORE BEGINNING ANY MAINTENANCEPROCEDURES. SlidewayFig. 13Fig. 12PlanetarySealLUBRICATIONSlidewaysThe slideways (Fig.12) should be lubricated approximately twice a year. To reach these areas, fully lower the bowl support and remove the apron, which is secured by slotted screws.Wipe a thin coatofLubriplate 630AA on thebowl padarea of thebowl supportsand on each slideway. Install theapron. Planetary Seal Occasionally, the planetary seal (Fig.13) may becomedry and begin tosqueak. Tocorrect this, work a little lubrication (mineral oil) under thelip ofthe seal. 18 ADJUSTMENTSAgitatorClearanceTheagitator clearance shouldbe checked periodically. The agitator must not touch the bowl and the maximum clearancebetween the bottom of the bowl and the B flatbeateris1/8" (3mm); the maximum clearancebetween the bottom of the bowl andthe ED dough arm is 5/16”(8mm). Installabowlandagitator(e.g.,beater). If the bowl and beatercomeintocontactbefore the bowlsupportreaches its stop,adjustthe stopscrews. Referto Adjust the Bowl/Agitator Clearance. Measure ClearancePour enough flour in the bowltocover thebottomofthe bowlwhere the beater travels.Withthe bowl fullyraised (beater should not touch the bottom of the bowl), brieflyrunthemixer atthe lowestspeed. Turn off the mixer, disconnect the electrical power supply, and measure the depth of flour where thebeater has traced a path. This measurement should be takenat severalpointsaroundthe bowlto assure accuracy. Adjust the Bowl/AgitatorClearance ..Remove the apron(which is secured by screws). ..Adjustthe clearance by moving the stopscrewscounterclockwise to increase the clearance or clockwise to decrease the clearance. 19 ..After the adjustments are made,replace theapron andsecure it with the screws. ..Carefully operate the bowl lift several times to checkthe adjustment. StopScrewFig. 14 20 ...
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