manual abstract
c.If the timeischanged while mixing,the mixerwill operate until the new time expires. The adjustment to the timewillnot be stored. d. If speedis changed whilemixing, the time will change to the previous time for theselected speed and count down. NOTE:If the wire cage is opened at any time, the mixing operationwill stop. To resume the mixingoperation, close the wire cage andpress theSTARTbutton. 3. Whenthe timer reaches 00:00, themixerstops;a beeper sounds for 1 second.The count- down timer then displays the last-storedtime. OPERATINGNOTES ..STIR is to be used for incorporating ingredients.Donot use it to developdoughproducts. ..If themixer is stopped during amixing operation,the timer also stops. Thetimer startsagain (withthe time remaining) when the STARTbuttonispressed. ..Turn the TIME selector clockwise to take the mixeroutof the holdmode. Fig. 810 RECIPE TIMER OPERATIONRecipe TimerNotes ..If pause isselected as a mix speed, themixerSTARTbuttonmust be pressed to advance to the nextrecipe step afterthe pause time has expired. ..If pausehas been selected, thebowl guard can be openedand the timewill continuetocount down. ..Therecipestep can be interrupted and then resumedby pressing the STOP button andthen theSTART button. NOTE:If PAUSEhasbeen selected,theSTOP button is disabled. ..Therecipecan be terminated by stoppingthemixer and pressing the STD button. UsingThe Recipe Timer1.Press Recipemode button. 2.Turn the RECIPE selector to select a recipe. 3.Press START;mixerwill operate at the programmed speed for theprogrammedtime. a.Speedis displayed momentarily. b.Remainingtime for the operatingstepwillbe displayedand the step light is flashing. NOTE:Recipe and Time selectors are disabled. 4.Mixerwill continue to perform the programmed speeds and times until the recipe stepsare completed. NOTE:If pause has been programmed for a step speed, themixer START buttonmustbepressed toadvance to the nextrecipe step afterthe pause time has expired. 5.When the timer reaches the end of the last programmedrecipe step, themixerstops; the beepersounds; the selectedrecipe is displayed. 11 View RecipeWhen themixer is inRECIPEmode,you canview the step settings of anyrecipe. 1.Press theSELECT/SAVE button. A.Display will alternate between speed and time. B.The LED of the stepbeing displayedwill flash. 2.Use the arrow buttonsto view thenextstep. 3.Use the Recipeselectorto view otherrecipes. 4.Press PGM button to return to the RECIPE mode. NOTE: If themixer is performinga recipe,the recipewill continueto operate in normalrecipe modesequence. PROGRAMMING RECIPE TIMER Fig. 16 HL200 is powered with display showing a mix time (Standard Mode) or recipe number (Recipe Mode). 1.If a mix time is displayed, Press RECIPE mode button. Display corresponds with position of recipe(speed) selector. 2.Press and hold TIME. Continue holding TIME, then press PGM and hold until rP1 is displayed (with step 1 blinking), buzzer sounds and programmed step LEDs are lit. 3.Use arrows to select recipe number (1-4) for programming. 4.Press SELECT/SAVE to enter program mode for the recipe number selected. Buzzer sounds and display alternates between speed and time to indicate programming mode. 12 13NOTES: .. If a value has been assigned for a step number, that LED will be lit. .. The LED for the selected step will blink. .. If the default value is still assigned to a step, the LED will not be lit. .. When programming, the Recipe and Time Selectors are disabled. SPEED SETTINGSTIME SETTINGSSPd 1 (DEFAULT) 00:00 – 15:00 minutes (10 second increments) SPd 2 End (default) SPd 3 StirPAUS (pause – no mixing) 5.Use arrows to select step number (1 – 5). 6.Press SPEED. All characters will blink and buzzer will sound. A.Use arrows to select the mixing speed for selected step. B.Press SELECT/SAVE to set the speed. SAVE displayed momentarily and buzzer sounds. 7.Display alternates between speed and time to indicate programming mode. 8.Press TIME. Third digit will blink and buzzer will sound. A.Use arrows to select the mixing time (increments of 10 seconds) for selected step. NOTE: If all 5 steps are programmed, the recipe will terminate at the end of step 5. If fewer than 5 steps are used, the default time setting of END will terminate the recipe. B.Press SELECT/SAVE to set the time for the step. SAVE momentarily displayed and buzzer sounds. 9.Display alternates between speed and time to indicate programming mode. NOTE: LED of step programmed will be flashing. 10.Use arrows to select next step. 11.Repeat setting speed and time for additional steps and use SELECT/SAVE to save settings. 12.After all steps for recipe are programmed, press PGM to exit programming mode. Buzzer sounds and display will show recipe number that was programmed with the numb...
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