Other manuals for this model:
manual abstract
redirected video. The CE graphical display
tuple. A conceptual term that describes half of
that is displayed in a window on the IOPs.
the redundant devices in a server. There are two
tuples in the server. Each tuple contains a CE, an
IOP, and a network connection.
redirection. Identifies when a system uses a
device that is not physically located in that system.
For example, access to the Ethernet and SCSI
uninterruptable power supply. See UPS.
devices is redirected from the CE to the IOP using
Endurance software
UPS. Uninterruptable Power Supply. A battery-
based device that provides a limited supply of
redirector. Endurance CE-based software driver
electrical power in the event of a power failure.
that requests a specific service from a provider.
Video Provider. Video Provider on the IOP.
redundancy. Provides duplicate hardware
Receives the I/O of the CE and makes it available
components so that if one component fails, the
for display on the IOP.
remaining component continues to provide
service. Redundant components offer higher levels
Video Redirector. Video Redirector on the CE.
of system availability than can be provided by a
Loads the video software on the CE and supports
single component.
video I/O on the CE, redirected for display on the
SCSI settings. A SCSI device location defined
by the adapter number, bus number, SCSI ID, and
virtual network. LAN-style connectivity
LUN (logical unit number).
between the CE and each IOP. This connectivity is
independent of any public (redirected) or private
shutdown. A system process that refers to
(IOP) network adapters.
shutting down either one of (or a combination of)
the IOPs’ and CE’s copies of the Windows NT
vulnerable. The state of a server when one or
operating system.
more components has failed but the system is still
operational and available to end users. The system
synchronize. A process that results in both CEs
is vulnerable to complete failure if certain
being tightly coupled, performing identical
additional components fail.
compute processing. When a CE is powered up
and another CE is active, the synchronization
process is started for the CE that just completed
power up.
transient. A temporary condition describing a
server fault that can be detected, isolated, and
repaired without physically replacing any
hardware components.