1 ENGINE FIGURE 1 TPE 2510 PARTS LISTING REF. PART NO. PART DESCRIPTION Q C S SERIAL NO, REMARKS 1 157-0097A-900 CAP,SPARK PLUG.ASS'Y 1 B 2 018-11660-21 PLUG,SPARK 1 B 6 001-00980-90 CYLINDER SET 1 c 7 994-14050-181 SCREW,S,5X18 4 D 9 017-00980-200 GASKET,CYLINDER 1 c 11 041-01601-200 RING,PISTON 2 A 12 030-01601-90 PISTON SET 1 B 13 039-01620-200 CIRCLIP,PISTON PIN 2 A 14 037-01601-200 PIN, PISTON 1 c 16 046-0631A-81 CRANKSHAFT 1 D 17 999-62081-225 BEA

It decreases the pull- effort by 60%. They are dependable and easy to install. 748733 ITEM PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QTY COMMENTS 5-0 5-2 5-3 5-5 5-6 5-7 7620706090 7790706020 7740706020 8390706020 7800706020 7830706020 STARTER,RECOIL ASS'Y SPRING,RECOIL PULLEY,STARTER BOLT,SET GUIDE,ROPE ROPE,STARTER 1 1 1 1 1 1 5-8 5-9 5-10 7850706020 99200050061 99461050204 HANDLE,STARTER WASHER,SMALL,5 BOLT,HEX,HOLE,5X20,S 1 2 2 Page 6 custsvc@nikko-tanaka-usa.com PARTS INFORMATION TPE-2501 AIR CLEANER • FIGUR

Careless or improper use of the unit may cause serious orfatal injury. O II est essentiel que vous lisiez et compreniez parfaitement les consignes de sécurités suivantes et autres avertissements et que vous les observiez strictement. L’utilisation inattentive ou inadé quate de cette unité risque de provoquer des blessures graves ou fatales. Es ist wichtig, daß Sie sich mit den nachfolgenden Vorsichtsma ßnahmen und Warnungen vertraut machen und diese befolgen Unvorsichtige oder unsachgemäße Han

s Man s Mans Mans Mans Mans Man ual ualualualualual Model Numbers: TLE-550 TLE-550TLE-550TLE-550TLE-550TLE-550 EDGER EDGEREDGEREDGEREDGEREDGER P/N 12850 Date 05-11-01 Supplier ToThe Outdoor Power Equipment Industry Owner.s ManualTLE-550 WARNING The engine exhaust from this product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects and other reproductive harm. Before using this unit: • Read the operator.s manual carefully. • Check that the cutting equipment is corr