User manual Arnold Company, model Boxcar Bully Railcar Plug Door Opener
The"Bully" Railcar Plug Door Opener can be adapted to be run from many types of fork devices. The "Bully" Railcar Plug Door Opener is operated with 2 each 12 volt batteries which operate a hydraulic pump. The hydraulic pump in turn operates a small motor which turns the spindles that engage the door. The arms of the "BULLY" Railcar Plug Door Opener are set at 8 rpm; opening the door in about 20 seconds, with adjustability for different needs or requirements. Since the power arm is self adjusting, the fork lift will not have to be moved as the door opens. If you are using a forklift, you can next use one of the extended side arms to push the door open. VKA DISCtVER 3 Harmony Lane // THE cTrei?i?5s /'ARNOLD Fax:(618)224-7005 // COMPANY email: