Manafacture: Wayne-Dalton
File size: 909.07 kb
File name: 341232_REV1_08_03_2009.pdf

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manual abstract
Wayne-Dalton highly recommends that you read and fully understand the Installation Instructions and Owner’s Manual before you attempt this installation. To avoid possible injury, read the enclosed instructions carefully before installing and operating the garage door. Pay close attention to all warnings and notes. After installation is complete, fasten this manual near garage door for easy reference. The Quick Start Guide and Installation Instructions and Owner’s Manual are available at no charge from Wayne-Dalton Corp., P.O. box 67, Mt. hope, OH 44660, or at T able of Contents 341232 REV1 08/03/2009Part No. © 2009 Wayne-Dalton Corp. Pre - Installation 2 Important Safety Instructions 2 Removing an Existing Door/Preparing the Opening 2 Installation 2 Optional Installations 7 Trolley Arm Configuration 7 Cleaning Your Garage Door 7 Painting Your Garage Door 7 Operation and Maintenance 8 Warranty 8 Dealer Locator Information 10 Pre - InsTallaTIon Important Safety Instructions Definition of key words used in this manual: WARNING INDICATEs A POTENTIALLy hAzARDOus sITuATION WhICh; If NOT AvOIDED, COuLD REsuLT IN sEvERE OR fATAL INjuRy. CAuTION: PROPERTY DAMAGE OR InjuRY CAn RESulT fROM fAIluRE TO fOllOW InSTRuCTIOnS. IMPORTANT: REQuIRED STEP fOR SAfE AnD PROPER DOOR OPERATIOn. NOTE: Information assuring proper installation of the door. READ THESE InSTRuCTIOnS CAREfullY BEfORE ATTEMPTInG InSTAllATIOn. If In QuESTIOn ABOuT AnY Of THE PROCEDuRES, DO nOT PERfORM THE WORK. InSTEAD, HAVE A TRAInED DOOR SYSTEMS TECHnICIAn DO THE InSTAllATIOn OR REPAIRS. 1. READ AND fOLLOW ALL INsTALLATION INsTRuCTIONs. 2. Wear protective gloves during installation to avoid possible cuts from sharp metal edges. 3. It is always recommended to wear eye protection when using tools, otherwise eye injury could result. 4. Avoid installing your new door on windy days. Door could fall during the installation causing severe or fatal injury. 5. Doors 12’-0” wide and over should be installed by two persons, to avoid possible injury. 6. Operate door only when it is properly adjusted and free from obstructions. 7. If a door becomes hard to operate, inoperative or is damaged, immediately have necessary adjustments and/ or repairs made by a trained door system technician using proper tools and instructions. 8. DO nOT stand or walk under a moving door, or permit anybody to stand or walk under an electrically operated door. 9. DO nOT place fingers or hands into open section joints when closing a door. use lift handles/ gripping points when operating door manually. 10. DO nOT permit children to operate garage door or door controls. Severe or fatal injury could result should the child become entrapped between the door and the floor. 11. Due to constant extreme spring tension, do not attempt any adjustment, repair or alteration to any part of the door, especially to springs, spring brackets, bottom corner brackets, red colored fasteners, cables or supports. To avoid possible severe or fatal injury, have any such work performed by a trained door systems technician using proper tools and instructions. 12. On electrically operated doors, pull down ropes must be removed and locks must be removed or made inoperative in the open (unlocked) position. 13. Top section of door may need to be reinforced when attaching an electric opener. Check door and/ or opener manufacturer’s instructions. 14. Visually inspect door and hardware monthly for worn and or broken parts. Check to ensure door operates freely. 15. Test electric opener’s safety features monthly, following opener manufacturer’s instructions. 16. nEVER hang tools, bicycles, hoses, clothing or anything else from horizontal tracks. Track systems are not intended or designed to support extra weight. 17. This door may not meet the building code wind load requirements in your area. for your safety, you will need to check with your local building official for wind load code requirements and building permit information. After installation is complete, fasten this manual near the garage door. IMPORTANT: STAInlESS STEEl OR PT2000 COATED lAG SCREWS MuST BE uSED WHEn InSTAllInG CEnTER BEARInG BRACKETS, EnD BRACKETS, jAMB BRACKETS, OPERATOR MOunTInG/ SuPPORT BRACKETS AnD DISCOnnECT BRACKETS On TREATED luMBER (PRESERVATIVE-TREATED). STAInlESS STEEl OR PT2000 lAG SCREWS ARE nOT nECESSARY WHEn InSTAllInG PRODuCTS On un-TREATED luMBER. NOTE: It is recommended that 5/16” lag screws are pilot drilled using a 3/16” drill bit, prior to fastening. IMPORTANT: WHEn InSTAllInG 5/16” lAG SCREWS uSInG An ElECTRIC DRIll/ DRIVER, THE DRIll/ DRIVERS CluTCH MuST BE SET TO DElIVER nO MORE THAn 200 In-lBS Of TORQuE. fASTEnER fAIluRE COulD OCCuR AT HIGHER SETTInGS. WARNING PRIOR TO WINDING OR MAkING ADjusTMENTs TO ThE sPRINGs, ENsuRE yOu’RE WINDING IN ThE PROPER DIRECTION As sTATED IN ThE INsTAL- LATION INsTRuCTIONs. OThERWIsE, ThE sPRING fITTINGs MAy RELEAsE fROM sPRING If NOT WOuND IN ThE PROPER DIRECTION AND COuLD REsu...
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