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User manual Bosch, model PH3200A/01

Manafacture: Bosch
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manual abstract

Ionisation Diese Warmluftstylingburste ist mit einem Ionengenerator ausgestattet. Ionen sind in der Natur vorhandene elektrisch geladene Teilchen. Die Haare werden dadurch weicher und sind besser kammbar. Zusatzlich wird das „Fliegen“ und Krauseln der Haare reduziert. Der Ionengenerator kann mit Schalter 5 zu jeder Stufe zugeschaltet werden. Die Kontroll-Lampe 4 leuchtet auf. Aufbewahren Zuleitung nicht zu straff aufwickeln! R. e inigen Stromschlaggefahr! Vor dem Reinigen den Netzstecker ziehen. Das Gerat niemals in Wasser tauchen. Keinen Dampfreiniger benutzen. . Das Gerat au.en nur mit einem feuchten Tuch abwischen. Keine scharfen oder scheuernden Reinigungsmittel verwenden. . Das Luftansauggitter mit einem weichen Pinsel regelma.ig saubern. . Die Zubehorteile abnehmen und reinigen. Erst wieder benutzen, wenn sie ganz trocken sind. Entsorgung A Dieses Gerat ist entsprechend der europaischen Richtlinie 2002/96/EG uber Elektro- und Elektronik-Altgerate (waste electrical and electronic equipment – WEEE) gekennzeichnet. Die Richtlinie gibt den Rahmen fur eine EU-weit gultige Rucknahme und Verwertung der Altgerate vor. Uber aktuelle Entsorgungswege bitte beim Fachhandler informieren. Anderungen vorbehalten. de en en Please read through the instructions carefully and proceed accordingly; store in a safe place! These instructions describe two models with accessories. Safety notes .• ..• Danger of electric shock and fire Connect and operate the appliance only according to the type plate specifications. Keep away from children or other persons whose physical, sensory, or mental abilities do not guarantee safe handling of the appliance. Use only if power cord and appliance show no signs of damage. Unplug after every use or if defective. Repairs to the appliance, such as replacing a damaged power cord, may only be carried out by our customer service in order to avoid risks. The power cord should not – touch hot parts, – be pulled over sharp edges, – be used as a carrying handle. The brushes will become hot. Handle only the brush adapter end. Do not use if hair is very wet. Do not use on fake hair. Do not use near water contained in bathtubs, sinks, or in other containers. .• ..• Danger Never allow the appliance to make contact with water. Even a switched off appliance poses a danger; unplug the appliance after every use or when interrupted during use. Installing a ground fault circuit breaker up to 30 mA in the house offers additional protection. Please consult an electrician. Parts and accessories PH 3200A (Figure -A ) 1 Temperature/blower switch 2 settings 2 Cool button 3 3 Release button 4 Round brush with mixed bristles O 20 5 Round brush PH 3760A (Figure -B ) 1 Temperature/blower switch 2 settings 2 Cool button 3 3 Release button 4 Power indicator light for ionization 5 Ionization on/off switch 6 Round brush with mixed bristles O 30 7 Brush O 22 (retractable bristles) 8 Hair straightner How to use Never cover up the blower or intake. Make sure that the intake is free from lint and hair. The hot air styling brush will switch off automatically if overheated due to an air inlet that was covered. It will switch back on automatically after a few minutes. Attach all accessory parts at the . marking and twist to Ў to lock. To change the accessory, press the release button 3 and take off the accessory part by twisting. Brushes Select and attach a brush depending on hair length and desired hair style. Take a small section of towel-dried hair and turn up from the tip to a curl. Set switch 1 to setting .-(gentle/warm), or . . (strong/hot) and dry hair section with the warm air. 5 2, fi x and shape the curl with the cooler air. Only PH 3760A Brush 7 has retractable bristles. This increases the elasticity of the curl and simplifi es removing the brush from the curled hair. Hair straightner 8 Towel-dried hair can be straightened with this attachment. Comb hair and section into even strands. Starting from the roots, place a strand of hair in the hair straightner, press both attachment halves together and pull down to the ends. Treat all strands in the same manner. Tip: Allow hair to cool off before combing – your hair style will hold its shape longer. Ionisation This hot air styling brush is equipped with an ion generator. Ions are electrically charged particles that already exist in nature. Your hair will be softer and easier to comb. It also reduces ”fl ying” and frizzy hair. The ion generator can be switched on at any level with switch 5. Power indicator lamp 4 will light up. en Storage Do not wind up the power cord too tightly! C. l eaning Danger of electric shock! Unplug before cleaning. Never place the appliance into water. Do not use a steam cleaner. . Wipe off the appliance with a damp cloth. Do not use strong or abrasive cleansers. . Regularly clean the intake grille with a soft brush. . Remove the accessory parts and clean them. Use only after they have dried off completely. Disposal A This appliance is labelled in ...


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