Manafacture: Ace
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File name: c17e893d-fdb4-4871-8ae3-c94f141a677d.pdf

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manual abstract
a_d do _ote' f-nes and gasesthai rnay be a health hazard Farlure to observe the presenceof such fumescould cause sefous illness ofdeath CAUTION:(SHOCKHAZARD) To insure continuedprotectionagainst shocK hazard,connectAC cord only to properly grounded outlels Replace defective cordsimmed aiely Do not expose to morsture or |quid as thrs could deieat the electrrcal thus causing lnsulation electrical CAUTION:(STRONGVACUUM) Caremustbe taken to avod personalinjury by nol allowinghose inlet to contact any body area such as eyes. ears, mouth, etc. CAUTION:(LIFTING) Althoughthis unit weighs lessthan40 lbs with filters,rmproperliftingor handling of thls unit co!ld cause back injury. Follow the recommended nerhod for litrng CAUTION:(AIRFLOWBLOCKAGE) Srnce exhaust air leaves the bottom of thrs unrl cautron should be observed not to set un down n slch a way as to block the exhaust. MISCELLANEOUSCAUTIONS: 1 Use of any attachment not recomrnendedor sold by the a r cieaner manufacturer may resLilt rl 'sL or f re ere(rr- shoct or InJLrryroop'sor s 2 To reduce the nsk of damage to the electrc plug or cord. d sconnecl by pulling plLrg ralher ihan cord when remov ng powerfromthe a r cleaner 3 lrake sure cord and hose are located so thev w I not be stepped on, tfpped over or otlrerwrse subjected to damage or stress 4 An e^lens on coro shou d not be used J. ... abso utely necessary Use of rmproper extensroncordco|1ld result ln risk of fLreand electrc shock lf extension cord musl be used use only a groundedcord and follow lhese recommendations 25 fr #14 AWG. 50 ft #12 AWG 100 fl #10AWG 5. Do not disassemblethe air cleaner. Take rt to a . qJa rl ed se.v'cenon whenseryrceoI teoaI requ red. Incorrect reassembly may resuliIn rsk of electric shock or fire. 6. To reduce lhe rsk of electricshock or bodiy Inlury. unplug the air cleaner from outlet before atiempting any maintenance or cleaning. T!rnLngoff the powerswitchwill not elirninaie this nsk THEORY OF OPERATION Thrs unit is a LrghMeighlponablea I cleaner emplovrng two ihermally prolected, hlgh pedomance ilow lhroLrgh vacuum motors producing very hqh veloc[y arrtrow rhfough the un I By utilizLng a large (2 % ) Inel plusa va.€ly of collecung nozzlesand fttngs fine solrd paniculaie maler aland smoke may be removed irom lhe arr by the fll1er media An In tLal spark liap collecls largeparticlesbelorethev reach the f er An easy lo empty tray rs anached ro rne front cove. to enable the removaloi the large padrcl€s collectedby the spark trap wilhout temovinglhe illl€r sotates.retltprfrorspart. l'eca.F 'h.s..aptr1'e ofa weld ng operaton UponleavLngthetlap, the air ls passedthrcugha one nch (1 ) thick 20lo 35% efticieni pre_filte. Thrs pre filter s designed10 caich lhe largerparticlesleavrngth€ lrap Thrs r€lalively rnexpensivepre_fillerpreventslhe more _he o\pe'rsve rdr ' lFr lo- Decomlngquch! looqpd pre'nltershou d be changed severaltimesbeiore lhe ma n iiler needs lo be changed All factory.furnished filiers have a U L. class ll rating and using any filters otherthan those sPecified lor this unat is nol recommended. Use ofany proiluctotherlhan that recommendedby the manufaciurerwrl void the warfanly The ma n (ornnal) fiter may be selected fromlhree(3) gradesavailabe depending uponthe levelol performancedes red Allofihese are hrgh efiic ency mulliflow n ters. which featu.e enended surfacearealor ong ife n high veocity filtralion systems Se ect on ofthe fllter best suiledfor lheiob should be drscussedwth a dea er of a factory representalrve A clogged lllter ligh1, aciuated by a differenlial pressure switch rs an nlegraLparl ofthe un t. When the filters becomeclogged the light will illuminate. Al ihis poLnt,the illlersshouldbe changed. Dependinguponth€ applicaton lhe pr€ flter should be changed severa!lrmes before the ma n filier must be changed Changingthe pre' fiterc regulany wlll exlend ihe usef!l life of lhe nn3l filter !P 1o 50% GENERAL MAINTENANCE ONLYQUALLF]ED SHOULD SERVICETECHNICIANS MAKEREPAIRS TO THIS UN]T OO NOT REPLACE THESEMOTORSWITI] I\IOTORS OTHERTHANTHOSE BYTHE RECOIV]1VENDED N,lANUFACTURER. UNPACKING Caretullyinspecttheunit for concealed damagethat may have occurred duringshippingandhandlingll any damageis found, rmrnediately lheFreighl contact CompanyMak€ sure there are no denls in the houslng as they mightprcvenlthelilter from sliding intolheunit smoothly.lfthereis no evidenceof damage removefie endcover by releasing the two rubber latches Removal oilhe iionl cover wrla low Inspecion oflhe insrdeol lhe Aflef unpacktrrg themachine check la see thal lh€ followingpadsand accessories are presenl l) 10 Flex b e Hose 1) Couplrng 1) FlexrbleMelalHose/[,4agneticBaseComponentParls (See Frg!re#2 For IndlviduaParts rcluded) 1) Slol Nozz e INSTALLATION{seeF sure#1) 1 Unpacka rnarn frller and note the fta n fLler has a 1/8 thck blackrubbergaskelonthe oulel end Please a so nole lhal ttr€ Jlller has an arrllow drrectron affowplacedon one ofthe edges lnsenlhenlier gaskel iirsl. into t...