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User manual Kenmore, model 625.38816

Manafacture: Kenmore
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manual abstract

Catch water with a rag. DISASSEMBLY To remove a part or group of parts, refer to the valve drawing. A common screwdriver or nut driver, Phillips screwdriver and pliers are the only tools needed to completely disassemble. SERVICING THE VALVE Inspect all o-rings, seals and gaskets for wear or de fects. Inspect the bottom surface of the rotor for scratches, chips or wear. Note: If replacement is needed, be sure to use the current replacement part. ASSEMBLY Be sure all parts are in place and in the proper position. Lubricate ALL o-rings and seals with FDA approved silicone grease. To install the rotor seal, first place the seal into the valve groove, rounded side down (see cross-section). Apply a light coating of silicone grease to the seal's crossing ribs. Then, carefully center the wear strip on the seal, and push it downward onto the seal Install the nozzle and venturi seal and drain seal. Assemble wave washer bearing, the wave washer, and two o-rings onto the rotor top shaft. Then center the rotor in the valve body, on the rotor seal. Lower the cover onto the valve body and rotor shaft. Then install the cover holding screws. Before tight ening the screws, install the valve cam and gear. Then, turn the rotor (clockwise only) to service position. _ghten the screws using a criss-cross pattern. If a torque wrench is available, torque to 30-40 inch pounds. Lubricate the gear on the motor, and the valve cam gear with Molykote grease, or other high quality gear lubricant. Be sure to orient switch as shown, with lever toward the cam. o-ring o-ring seals wave washer w_ar-_irip / rotor seal seal[ , _.a.._/../ drain seal nozzle & venturi seal see Nozzle assembly service. page 3_ 2 5-5 Problems, Questions? Call 1-800-426-9345 Kenmore Water Line C. WATER FLOW THROUGH THE SOFTENER VALVE SERVICE CYCLE from Valve Inlet (hard water) To Valve Outlet (soft water) distributor resin tank € bottom distributor ---_--_ Hard water enters the valve inlet port. Internal valve porting routes the water down and out the top distributor, into the resin tank. Hard water is softened as it passes through the resin bed, then enters the bottom distributor. Soft water flows back into the valve and out the valve outlet, to the house soft water pipes. FILL CYCLE position ventufi valve cam rotor & disc fill flow plug fill water (soft) from Valve Inlet (hard water) top distributor To Valve Outlet (soft water) bottom distributor To begin a regeneration, the electronic timer energizes the circuit to the valve motor. The valve motor rotates the rotor and disc and the valve cam until the position switch lever drops, to open the motor circuit and position the valve in FILL. As the rotor and disc rotates, the port opens for SOFT water fill through the venturi. Fill flow continues to the brine valve, and into the salt storage tank. Soft water is still available to the house lines. 5-6 Problems, Questions? Call 1-800-426-9345 Kenmore Water Line _iii!_ii_ii_Ji_: SECTION 5 !_ii_,i_i_J_!_iiii_l SERVICE TECH. INFORMATION C. WATER FLOW THROUGH THE SOFTENER VALVE BRINING AND BRINE RINSE CYCLES venturi ,, from Valve Inlet brine from salt, (hard water) storage tank water to valve outlet switch After fill, timer/switch action allows the motor to turn the rotor and disc into BRINING position. Water flow is directed to the nozzle. Suction, created by the nozzle and venturi, draws brine from the salt storage tank and injects it into the resin bed via the bottom distributor. Flow continues out the top distributor and to the drain. Hard water is available at the valve outlet. When the brine valve closes to end brine draw, water flow continues in the same directions to slowly RINSE brine from the resin bed and to the drain. BACKWASH CYCLE Timer/switch action again allows the motor to turn flow plug the rotor & disc to place the valve in BACKWASH, stopping water flow to the nozzle. Water is routed down and out the bottom distributor, up through the drain bed, and out the top distributor to the drain. The fast flow (controlled by a flow plug in the drain fitting) flushes dirt, sediments, iron deposits, remaining brine and hardness to the drain. water to valve outlet 5-?" Problems, Questions? Call 1-800-426-9345 Kenmore Water Line _;_: SECTION 5 ...................... ._JSERVICE TECH. INFORMATION C. WATER FLOW THROUGH THE SOFTENER VALVE FAST RINSE CYCLE soft water to valve out_et position_ _ switch During FAST RINSE, the rotor & disc is positioned so water flow enters the resin tank through the top distributor, and exits through the bottom distributor, to the drain. The electronic timer again energizes the motor to return the valve to service. As the valve rotates, the position switch lever drops to open the circuit. The valve remains positioned in service until the electronic timer initiates the next regeneration. 5-8 Problems, Questions? Call 1-800-426-9345 Kenmore Water Line _ii_'_i_iS! SECTION6 _i_ii_i_!_l REPAIR PARTS FOR WATER SOFTENER Kenmore MODEL NOS. 625.388150 a...

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