Manafacture: Kenmore
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manual abstract
paundsI_ squareinch geg. grainspargallon ppm= pads parmiUion STOI_AGECAPACITY(pounds) 125 "Do not excmeclthis number when setling hardness in step 2, page7. The maximumseffingavailableis 95. 18 SECTION 5 SERVICER'S TECH. INFORMATION 5A. TROUBLESHOOTING KEEP THIS MANUAL WITH YOUR WATER SOFTENER. IF REPAIRS ARE NEEDED, THE SERVICE TECHNICIAN MUST HAVE THE INFORMATION ON THE FOLLOWING PAGES. WIRING SCHEMATIC 24VAC NC tt NO DOWN UP bumm ,/ N ON_DFF-HOUDburn SELECTimuan z ALWAYSMAKETHESE INmAL CHECKS FIRST 5. ThevalvedrainhosemustbefreeofIdnksandsharp bends,and notelevatedover 8 ft. abovethe floor. 1. Doesthetimedisplayshowthecorrect Umeof day?. REMOVE THE TOP COVER AND SALT TANKCOVER ...If display is blank, check power source to the soRener. 6. istheresaltinthestoragetank? ...If time is flashing, powerwas off for over 6 hours. 7. Is the brine tubing connected? (See water flow The softener resumesnormaloperationbutregen diagrams). erationsoccurat the wrongtime. ...If anerrorcode(Example:Err03)showsinthe face 8. Isthebrinevalvefloatsetright?(Seepage22). plate display, go to AtJTO_C ELECTRONIC Press the SELECT button 2 times to display the DIAGNOSTICS. 9, hardnesssetting.Be sureitisthe correct settingforthe 2. Plumbing bypass valve(s) must be in Full Service households watersupply.(Make8 hardnesstestof the position. rawwater andcompere withthe hardnesssetUng.Also test a soft water sampieto verifyifa problemexlsts.]l 3. The inletandoutletpipesmustconnect tothe softener Press SELECT 3 times to ratum the present time inlet and outletrespectively. display. 4. Isthetransformerpluggedintoaqive",groundedwall ffyoudonotitnd theproblemaftermakinginitialchecks,do outlet,andthe powercablefastenedsecurely? the MANUAL INmATED ELECTRONIC DIAGNOSTICS, andthe MANUALADVANCE REGENERATION CHECK. 19 SECTION 5 SERVlCER'SI..ORMATION TECH. 5A. TROUBLESHOOTING AUTOMATIC ELECTRONIC DIAGNOSTICS The face plate computer has a self-diagnostic function for the electrical system (except input computer monitorsthe electron-D-_ power and water meter). The Erlr" I ic components and circuits for correct operation. If a malfunction occurs, an error code appears in the face plate display. The chart below shows the error codes that could appear, and the possible defects for each code. While an error code appears in the display, all face plate buttons are inoperable except the SELECT button. The SELECT button remains operational so the service person can make the MANUAL INITIATE ELECTRONIC DIAGNOSTICS to further isolate the defect, and check the water meter. POSSIBLE DEFECT CODE MOST LIKELY _ _ LESS LIKELY Err 01 motor inop. / widncj hamass or connection to switch / position switch / face plate Err 02 face plate Err 03 motor inop. / face plate Err 04 face plate / position switch Err 05 face plate PROCEDURE FOR REMOVING ERROR CODE FROM FACE PLATE: 1. Unplug transformer 2. Correct defect 3. Plug-in transformer 4. Wait for 6 minutes. The error code will retum if the defect was not corrected. MANUAL INITIATED ELECTRONICS DIAGNOSTICS 1. To enter diagnostics, press and hold the SELECT button until (000 --) shows in the display. ""' plnnn___"l A. tionThedigits indicate water meter operaasfirstfollows: 3 000 (steady)= soft water not in flow through the meter. --OPEN ANEARBYSOFTWATERFAUCET 000 to 199 (continual) = repeats display for eachgallonofwater passingthroughthemeter. If you don't get a reading in the display, with faucet open, pull the sensor from the valve outlet porL Pass a small magnet back and forth in front of the sensor. You should get a reading inthedisplay. Ifyouget areading, unhook the in and out plumbing and check the turbine for binding. _ MOTOR PosmoN swn'c. !1 i .._._td_'_....,.--.-'I'URB|NE _ S%P_AND VALVE It_k_A)' OUTLET----.--,_/ B. The letter (P) and dash(as) indicate POSITION switch operation. The letter appearing means the switch is closed; the dash means the switch is open. Use the ON/OFF-HOLD (Recharge Now) button to manually advance the valve into each cycle and check correct switch opera _on. 20 SECTION 5 SERVICER'STECH.INFORMATION I 5A. TROUBLESHOOTING CORRECT SWITCH DISPLAYS VALVE CYCLE STATUS Valvein service,fill, brining, backwash orfast rince position _p Valve rotating from one posi tion to another c. While in this diagnostic screen, the following information is available and may be beneFIcial for various reasons. This information is retained by the computer from the first time electrical power is applied to the face plate. ... Press _to display the number of days this face plate has had electrical power applied. ...Press _o display the number of regenera 'donsinitiated by this face plate since the SR code number was entered. 2. Press Select to advance to the following aitemating displays. I' I This setting controls the length of the backwash cycle (regular recharge backwash, and the CLEAN feature backwash if setto ON). A longer backwash is beneficial if supply water is dirty, or contains iron. The time is adjustable...