Manafacture: Bosch
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manual abstract
Not es . S e tti ngs re m a in unch anged when yo u ta p s evera l a rea s a t th e s a m e time . T his a llow s y o u to w i p e o f f b o i l e d ove r food i n t h e adju stme n t a r e a . . A si gna l sou nds w hen sever al to uc h key s are o per ated at th e sa me ti m e. Re m ove any b oiled ov e r food or meta l ob je ct s fr o m t h e c o n t r o l pa n e l . Co ntrol knob Yo u ca n ch o o s e b etw ee n 1 2 p ower leve ls an d th e b oost e r fu n c t i on . 1 Lowest power level 12 Highest power level Z Booster function T he co n tro l k no b s featu re a n ill um ina te d r ing w ith va r i ou s i n d i c a t i on op t i on s: Illuminated ring lit The cooking position is on and is continuously heating. Illuminated ring Residual heat indicator active. flashing slowly Illuminated ring A fault has occurred. Check the fault flashing fast indication on the control panel. Residual heat indicator Th e r e s i dua l he a t i n di ca to r i n di ca te s th a t o n e o f th e c ookin g p ositi ons i s stil l ho t . D o n o t to uc h the cook ing po s i tion as lon g a s the i llum i n a te d ring arou nd the co ntro l kno b is still f lash ing , eve n if th e c ookin g p ositi on is alrea dy s wit ch ed o ff. Co okin g p ositions $ Single cooking position Always use appropriately sized cookware . Two- ring cooking position o Three-ring cooking position The cooking position's outer ring elements are activated automatically when a correspondingly large item of cookware is placed on the cooking position. Use only cookware that is suitable for induction cooking; see the section entitled "Cooking with induction - Cookware" Special accessories You can order the following accessories via your specialist dealer: VA 420 000 Connection strip for combination with other Vario 400 appliances for flush installation VA 420 001 Connection strip for combination with other Vario 400 appliances for flush installation with appliance cover/ extension VA 420 010 Connection strip for combination with other Vario 400 appliances for surface installation VA 420 011 Connection strip for combination with other Vario 400 appliances for surface installation with appliance cover/ extension VA 450 600 60 cm appliance extension for depth compensation when using several Vario appliances VA 450 900 90 cm appliance extension for depth compensation when using several Vario appliances Only use the accessories as specified. The manufacturer accepts no liability if these accessories are used incorrectly. Setting the cooktop This section informs you how to set the cooking positions. The settings table shows power levels and cooking times for various meals. Setting the power level 1 Press in the control knob and turn it to the required power level ( 1- 12 and booster function) . The corresponding cooking position indicator on the cooktop flashes. 2 Place a suitable cookware item on the cooking position within 90 seconds. The cooking position switches off automatically if a pot is not detected. To return the cooking position to operation, turn the control knob to 0 and set the power level again. 3 When the cooking position is heating, the cooking position indicator and the illuminated ring behind the control knob light up continuously. Note: Outer ring elements are added automatically when appropriately sized cookware is placed on the cooktop. Switching off the appliance To switch of the cooktop, turn all control knobs to the 0 position. The residual heat indicator in the knob's ring of a still hot cooking position flashes slowly until the cooking position has cooled down. Adjus tment table Yo u w ill fin d a fe w exam p les in th e fo llo w in g t abl e. Note : W h e n h o t p ot s or liq u i d m e als su c h as sou p s, C o o k i ng tim e s d ep end o n the ty pe , wei ght an d qu a lity s a uce s o r beve ra ge s a re co o ked , th ey c a n hea t up too of t h e c ook e d food. Th e r e for e , t h e r e may be fa s t w itho u t be ing no tic ed and can ov er flow or sp lash . di f fere nc e s . T his is w hy gr adua l he ating at a su itab le po w er l evel a nd wh ile stir ring c o nst ant ly is ad vis a ble . Level Cooking method Examples 12 Parboiling Water Searing Meat Heating up Fat, liquids Bringing to the boil Soups, sauces 12- 11 Blanching Vegetables 10- 7 Roasting Meat, potatoes 8- 6 Roasting Fish 8- 7 Baking Sweet dishes, scrambled eggs Simmering in an open vessel Pasta, liquids 7- Browning Flour, onions Grill roasting Almonds, breadcrumbs Rendering Fatty bacon Reducing Stocks, sauces Poaching in an open vessel Dumplings, soup vegetables, beef for making soup, poached eggs Poaching in an open vessel Boiled sausages 6- Steaming Vegetables, potatoes, fish Stewing Vegetables, fruit, fish Braising Roulades, roasts, vegetables 4- 3 Braising Goulash Simmering in a closed vessel Soups, sauces 4- 3 Thawing Frozen foods 4- 3 Soaking Rice, pulses Rising Egg dishes Heating up/keeping warm Soups, hotpots, vegetables in sauce Melting Butter, cho...
Other models in this manual:Cooktops - VI491110/20 (357.71 kb)