manual abstract
Set the timer for 20 minutes at low pressure. When done, release the pressure and open thecooker. In a small bowl, mix the egg, evaporated milk and vanilla. Stir in a smallamount of the hot liquid from the cooker, then add the mixture back to thecooker. Use the “browning” setting to cook the mixture, stirring constantly witha wooden spoon, until the rice pudding just barely begins to bubble. Turn offthe browning feature. Cool 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Transfer to indi- vidual dessert bowls, continue cooling to room temperature, and then refrig- erate. Serve sprinkled with cinnamon. W WWA AAR RRM MMP PPE EEA AAC CCH HHD DDE EES SSS SSE EER RRT TT Serves 4, Low pressure, 5 minutes Delicious over pound cake cubes or ice scream or both!! 3 tablespoons butter 4 tablespoons brown sugar . cup water 1 large bag of frozen peaches, defrosted 3 tablespoons dark rum or more if you like 1 tablespoon whole allspice berries 1 teaspoon ground ginger 69 RECIPES OLLA:Layout 1 24/01/2008 16:16 Page 70 Use the “browning” setting to melt the butter. Add the sugar and peaches. Stirwell. Turn off the browning setting. Add the water, rum, spices, and mix well. Close the lid and turn the knob to Pressure. Set the timer for 5 minutes at low pressure. When done, release the pressure and open the cooker. Serve warmor cold. P PPE EEA AAR RRS SSS SST TTE EEW WWE EED DDI IIN NNR RRE EED DDW WWI IIN NNE EE Serves 4, Low pressure, 4 + 4 minutes A most elegant dessert when served with raspberry sauce and a fine endingto a special dinner. 2 cups water . cup sugar 2 slices fresh lemon 2 whole cinnamon sticks . teaspoon nutmeg 4 firm pears peeled but not cored, stems on . cup red wine 1 cup frozen raspberries . cup heavy cream In the cooker, combine the water, sugar, lemon, cinnamon sticks and nutmeg. Use the “browning” setting to simmer the syrup until the sugar dissolves. Turnoff the browning feature. Place the peeled pears upright in a steamer basket, the bottoms may need to be trimmed to make them stand upright. Lower thebasket into the cooker. Close the lid and turn the knob to Pressure. Set the timer for 4 minutes at low pressure. When done, release the pressure andopen the cooker. Add the red wine; close the lid and set the timer again for 4minutes at low pressure. When done, release the pressure and open thecooker. Remove the pears and transfer them to a deep container. Use the“browning” setting to boil down the sauce until syrupy. Turn off the cooker. When the sauce has cooled, pour over the pears and keep at room tempera- ture overnight. To serve, defrost and puree the raspberries until smooth. Spoon . cup of thepuree on four dessert dishes and place a pear upright in the center of eachdish. Spoon some syrup over each pear. Dribble 1 tablespoon of the cream ina circle over the sauce. With the aid of a knife, swirl the cream into the sauce in an attractive design. RECIPES 70 Slow Cooker Recipes S SSL LLO OOW WWC CCO OOO OOK KKE EED DDB BBL LLA AAC CCK KKB BBE EEA AAN NNS SS Serves 8, Cooking time: 30 minutes + 8 hours 1 pound black beans 6 cups water 1 . cups chicken stock 1 cup chopped onion 1 cup chopped bell pepper 1 cup chopped celery 1 can (14.5 oz) diced tomatoes 4 cloves of minced garlic 2 tablespoons cumin 1 teaspoon fresh ground pepper 1 teaspoon chili powder 1 teaspoon salt (or to taste) Rinse black beans well and drain. Place in the cooker and add 6 cups water. Lock lid in place and cook on the pressure cooking setting for 30 minutes. When cooking time is complete, release pressure, rinse and drain beans. Re- turn beans to the cooker and add the remaining ingredients. Stir well. Coverand cook on the slow cooker setting for 8 hours. S SSU UUP PPE EER RRE EEA AAS SSY YYS SSH HHO OOR RRT TTR RRI IIB BBS SS-- B BBA AAR RRB BBE EEQ QQU UUE EES SST TTY YYL LLE EE Serves 4, Cooking time: 10 minutes + 8 hours 3 pounds boneless beef short ribs1 large onion thinly sliced1 cup prepared barbeque sauce1 cup water1 teaspoon garlic powderSalt and pepper to taste Season the meat with salt and pepper and brown on all sides using the “brown- ing” setting. It may be necessary to do this in 2 batches. Set the timer for 8hours on slow cooker setting and return all of the meat to the cooker. Stir inonion and garlic powder. Combine the barbeque sauce and water and add tothe slow cooker. Cover and cook for 8 hours. 71 RECIPES OLLA:Layout 1 24/01/2008 16:16 Page 72 B BBE EEE EEF FFS SST TTR RRO OOG GGA AAN NNO OOF FFF FF Serves 4, Cooking time: 6 hours 1 . pounds top sirloin thinly sliced. 1 large onion thinly sliced . pound mushrooms, thinly sliced . teaspoon thyme 2 cloves of garlic minced 1 cup beef stock Salt and pepper to taste 1 cup sour cream Combine the ingredients, reserving the sour cream, in the slow cooker. Coverand cook for 6 hours. When cooking is complete stir in 1 cup of sour cream. Serve over cooked noodles or mashed potatoes. C CCA AAJ JJU UUN NNS SST TTY YYL LLE EER RRE EED DDB BBE EEA AAN NNS SSA AAN NND DDR RRI IIC CCE...
Other models in this manual:Cooktops - Electric Multi-Cooker (515.35 kb)