Other manuals for this model:
manual abstract
11. Connect the cables.
16. To configure the new tape drive, on the OCP, verify that the number
of configured drives in the library is correct. If the number of
configured drives is incorrect, use the OCP to change the number.
This will require a library reboot.
To avoid damaging FC cables, do not bend them
17. Use Command View TL or the Interface Manager card CLI to enter
sharply or pinch them. Allow a radial bend when
the host mapping/access control, topology, and FC speed settings
reattaching the FC cables.
for all components. See the HP StorageWorks Interface Manager
and Command View TL User Guide for detailed procedures.
Connect the FC cable you removed from the old tape drive to
port A on the new drive. The FC cable connector clicks into
place. Connect the other end of the FC cable to its correspond-
If you do not see the drive in Command View TL,
ing port on the SAN. Attach a label to each end of the cable
determine whether the library found the drive by
to mark the port designations.
looking at the OCP: from the Home screen, select Ops.
Connect the Ethernet cable included with the tape drive to the
If the OCP shows the drive information correctly, check
MGMT port on the new drive. Connect the other end of the
the Ethernet cabling to the drive and the internal
Ethernet cable to the internal network switch installed in the
network switch.
library. Do not connect the MGMT port or internal network
switch to the public or site LAN.
Skip to Step 19.
18. Run the LTO Drive Upgrade Wizard.
From CVTL, on the Support tab, in the Navigation tree, select
Drive Upgrade.
Select the Actions pull-down menu.
Select Launch Drive Upgrade Wizard. This launches the LTO
Drive Upgrade Wizard.
Follow the instructions in the LTO Drive Upgrade Wizard.
12. Insert new LTO4 or LTO5 media, as appropriate, if desired.
13. If the tape drive did not power itself on, use the OCP to power on
the drive now.
Heed the note in the Wizard and DO NOT
From the Home screen, select Menu > Ops.
restore system defaults. The wizard migrates
all necessary settings automatically. Restoring
Use the Up and Down buttons to select the drive, then press
system defaults can cause the upgrade to fail.
the Select button.
Use the Up and Down buttons to change the drive to on-line,
then press the Select button.
When the “Drive Upgrade Complete...” status message dis-
Select the Back button to return to Menu.
plays, click Finish to exit the Wizard.
14. Migrate the tape drive configuration settings. For IM firmware
19. Configure the SAN switch.
version I240 or earlier and LTO4 drives, use the instructions in Step
15 (the next step in this procedure); for IM firmware version I250
Rezone the SAN, if necessary, to account for new hardware
or later and LTO4 or LTO5 drives, skip to Step 18.
and paths.
15. Reset the Interface Manager card from Command View TL or the
Reboot the SAN FC switch, if necessary.
Interface Manager card CLI. Retain the Interface Manager Network
20. Verify connectivity by checking that the FC port A LED on the new
Settings, SNMP Settings, and Trace and Event logs.
tape drive is green when connected to a switch and linked.
To reset the Interface Manager card defaults from Command View
In the Launcher window, select the library to be configured.
In the Library window, click the Support tab.
In the left panel, select Restore Factory Defaults. A list of com-
ponents appears in the right panel.
Select Actions > Restore Defaults on All Components.
On the screen that appears you can retain Interface Manager
Network Settings, SNMP Settings, and Trace and Event Logs.
Click Next and then click Finish.
To reset the Interface Manager card defaults from the Interface
Manager card CLI, log in and enter the following command:
restore system defaults imnet logs snmp
21. Close the back door of the library.
Page 9
...Other models in this manual:
Media Storage - HP ESL 712e Ultrium Tape Library (752.13 kb)
Media Storage - HP StorageWorks ESL 286e 286 Slot SDLT Library (752.13 kb)
Media Storage - HP StorageWorks ESL 286e SDLT Tape Library (752.13 kb)
Media Storage - HP StorageWorks ESL 322e 322 Slot Ultrium Library (752.13 kb)