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2. Click on the production storage group you want to recover in the Select
Storage Group panel.
A list of point-in-time shadow copies displays in the Point-in-Time
copies panel. The contents of the list depends on whether you selected
Roll Forward or Point-in-Time.
3. Click the point-in-time copy you want to use to restore the production
storage group.
Note: The point-in-time recovery dialog shows only the point-in-time
copies residing in the user specified xml file path. If you want to see
the point-in-time copies in other directories you must change the xml
file path to point to those directories.
4. Select LUN Swap or Full Resync.
Full Resync replaces the production data on the production LUN with
the most recent copy from the recovery LUN by copying the data back
to its original location. For servers in a cluster, only Full Resync is
LUN Swap reverses roles of the LUNs and turns the recovery LUN
into the production LUN, and the production LUN into a recovery
LUN. This is the fastest option, producing almost immediate results.
After a swap, you may need to create additional recovery LUNs before
you can make new shadow copies. For servers in a cluster, LUN Swap
is not allowed.
When you select LUN Swap, the Delete Production Volumes after swap
checkbox is enabled. Selecting this checkbox deletes the production
volumes after the swap, which irreversibly deletes your production data.
Important: Use swap only temporarily if your recovery LUNs reside
on less reliable external storage disks because these less reliable disks
become the production LUNs. To swap disks back again, use Business
Copy within Command View XP to create copies of the current
production LUNs in the original production disk group. Then present
the copied LUNs to the production server, assign drive letters, and
update the database and log path within Exchange.
Delete Selected Copy deletes the selected point-in-time copy without
waiting until after the recovery.
HP StorageWorks XP Fast Recovery Solution for Windows Server 2003: Administration Guide