User manual HP, model HP Library and Tape Tools
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manual abstract
L&TT 5.0 comes in two parts; the LTT Service is installed on the backup or archive server while the Web GUI can be installed on any supported Windows computer. This allows you to run the GUI on your laptop or desktop without having to remotely log in to your server to run diagnostics. L&TT 5.0 also provides device monitoring, giving you a continuous assessment of the health of your drives and media. Figure 1 L&TT 5.0 architecture 4 Overview 2 Installing L&TT 5.0 The LTT Service and WebGUI are downloaded and installed separately. Installing the LTT Service The LTT Service runs on the backup or archive server and provides diagnostics and monitoring for all tape devices on that server. The service is relatively small, with fast download and installation. 1. Browse to the L&TT website: and then click Link to free download. 2. Select your server operating system. 3. Click Download for the HP Library and Tape Tools Service. 4. At the Security Warning, click Run and say Yes to any account control. Installing the LTT Service 5 5. Verify that all backup processes or RSM are stopped. If not, the system is more likely to need to be rebooted after the installation. 6. Enable ports 8999-9009 in Windows Firewall. This allows the WebGUI to communicate with the LTT Service and will not affect the security of the system. IMPORTANT: You should configure Windows Firewall to use the required ports before you click OK on this box. Open Control Panel and select Windows Firewall. To enable ports in a typical Windows installation, follow this process from the Firewall Management window to configure ports: 6 Installing L&TT 5.0 a. Click on Advanced settings. b. Click on Inbound Rules. c. Click on New Rule. Installing the LTT Service 7 d. Select Port and then click on Next. e. Enter port number (8999) and then click Next. 8 Installing L&TT 5.0 f. When the next dialog box displays, accept the default to allow the connection and then click Next. g. Accept the default to allow the rule to apply in all instances and then click Next. Installing the LTT Service 9 h. Enter an appropriate name and then click Finish. i. Verify the rule is in place and exit from Firewall Manager. 10 Installing L&TT 5.0 7. Return to the HP L&TT Installshield wizard and then click OK to continue the installation. 8. Click Next at the Welcome screen. 9. Click on Yes to accept the License Agreement. Installing the LTT Service 11 10. Click Next to accept the default destination. 12 Installing L&TT 5.0 11. In the Select Features dialog box, leave the selection boxes filled and then click Next. NOTE: All of the services are required for the LTT Service to operate correctly. 12. At the Ready to Install the Program screen, click Install. The installation process will complete within two minutes. NOTE: The system might prompt for a reboot. If so, allow the system to reboot. Installing the LTT Service 13 14 Installing L&TT 5.0 13. Click Finish to complete the installation. The LTT Service and all other required services are now running. Installing the WebGUI The L&TT 5.0 WebGUI gives you access to the LTT Service diagnostics without having to log on remotely to the backup/archive server. 1. Return to the L&TT website: and then click Link to free download. 2. Select your server operating system. 3. Click on the Download button for HP Library and Tape Tools WebGUI. Note that the download is large and may take a few minutes. Installing the WebGUI 15 NOTE: Note that the download is large and may take a few minutes. 4. Click on Yes (or wait). 5. Click Next to start the InstallShield Wizard, and then Yes to accept the License Agreement. 16 Installing L&TT 5.0 6. Review the Read Me File and then click Next when you are done. 7. Click Next to keep the default location. NOTE: If you choose a different location, the WebGUI will still work but it will be more difficult for HP to provide support. Installing the WebGUI 17 8. Click Next to begin the installation process. Installation will take a few minutes to complete. 9. Leave Launch HP Library and Tape Tools WebGUI checked and then click Finish. This will launch the WebGUI. 18 Installing L&TT 5.0 10. When the WebGUI launches, click the Add Service icon. 11. Enter the host name or the IP address of the server that the LTT Service is running on and then click OK. Installing the WebGUI 19 12. Double-click on the listed service host. The WebGUI will register with the LTT Service and check connectivity between the two applications. 13. The WebGUI will register with the LTT Service and check connectivity between the two applications. 14. If the computer on which the WebGUI is installed has a firewall enabled, the registration pop-up will stay open for up to two minutes while it runs a connectivity test and then report the following error: 15. For full functionality the following inbound ports need to be opened on the computer running the WebGUI: • The range 6000 to ...