User manual Tunturi, model C525i
Manafacture: Tunturi File size: 1.43 mb File name: 7e8c8721-f1d6-9a54-ad30-f7c920c1edaf.pdf
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manual abstract
If you experience nausea, dizziness or other abnormal symptoms while exercising, stop your workout at once and consult a physician. * Always keep your hands well away from moving parts. ' The climber is not intended for use by children. ' Only one person may use the climber at a time. ' Place the climber on a solid, level surface especially when in use. ‘ Hold the handlebar for support when getting on or off the climber. Keep at least one hand on the handlebar when exercising. * Warm up slowly by stepping at a slow pace. Increase gradually until you reach desired workout pace. Before completing a workout session, slow your pace gradually to a slow step, allowing your heart rate to decrease to normal before stopping and stepping off the climber. Point your hips, knees, ankles and toes facing forward. ‘ Wear proper clothing and shoes when exercising. * To avoid muscular pain, begin and end each workout by streching, warming up and cooling down. ' Do not attempt any maintenance or adjustments other than those described in this manual. Should you have any problems with your climber, discontinue use and contact your Tunturi-representative or the manufacturer. 'Despite continuous quality control, faults or malfunctions due to individual components may arise. It is, however, unnecessary to send the whole device to be repaired as the fault can in most cases be repaired by replacing the component in Question. ASSEMBLY The ligares mentioned la the text are al the back о I the manual! The parts of the С525¡arepacked in Uv separate packages Once the climber and alt ifs parts ,4?№ been unpacked from the packages, We cdmber is assemble) as fofltm (Ы njW. front anti back are determined as if you me standing on the comber) Fyvre I Extend the right footpedalupwartialatf a ngle ю the floor and place the H-frame on its right sitie so ¡tot /! rests on the ли,hr foot pedal Insert 4 М3- 1.25x55 mm button head bolts up through the Шот of the H-frame. Place the verbos! frame wet it>e tons Adda wssher ¡о each bo№ and secure each using the 13 mm open-6nd wrench anti the M8-125 dome nuts pro*•itied. Lit! the climber back into the црф! position Figure 2 Altacti me end of the shock absortar that conims the resistance adyjstment mechanism to the left sitie of the vertical frame. Sivjfe hw plastic bushings inside the ring on the top of the srtctf absorber. SXtie the end of the shock absorber anti a suitable spacer over the shoe* mount shaft on the leftside of the vertical frame. Secure wMh the MS- 1.25 x 40 mm button head Ш and lock washer usxng tne 5 mm hexagon key provided. Figure 3 Slide ш plastic bos/tings end a metal spacer inside ther ing on the Шот of the shock absorber. Fasten the ring to the bracket on ihe left tooI pedal wiih the Ш-1.25x40mm button headШand with the Ш-1.25 locknul Usethe 13 mm open-end wrench to hold the out nhSeyou /.pHiiw the bok mth ttm5 mm hexagon key prowled. Make sure the piastic bushing ismpiace inside the ring. ПОТЕ! Be careful not to over-tighten the belt as ihis may crsck tne plastic bushing. Attach the right shock absorber to tlx right fool pedal in the same manner. Figure 4 Slide bushing and the upper end of the left handlebar into the mount on the upper end of the wrt,cat frame. Sitie tne tower endow the spacer. Secure the lop ot the handlebar wan one U8x20 button head Ш and tick washer using the 5 mm hexagon key provided. Atraer the right handlebar in the sanie manner. Figures Si\de the remaining mount bushings into the front mounts on the vertical frame insert the ends ol the Tribar into the mount. Secure the Tnbar with two M8x2D button head boHs and lock washess using the 5 mm hexagon key provided. Figure 6 Open the battery case cover on ibe back ol the meter case anti insert two 1.5 V AA-batieries to ihe Шегу case following the* and-markings Push the battery case ccver back into place. Slide the meter onto its mounting bracket on lop ofths vertical frame. Be careful not to get the wire cau ght! Connect the wm plug coming out ttim/gh the top of the i■erticai frame to the socket on the front end ol Ihe meter. Tuck the extra wire into the vertical frame. USE Resistance «adjusted by turning the adjustment knob located on ihe hydraulic cytintiers. To increase ¡he resistance turn the knob clockwise. to decrease resistance, lum anticlockwise. Start wiih slow tempo, ting step height and low resistance. Gradual!/ increase tempo and resistance anti shorten step height according !o your own condition. Keep yw head up and neck long in order to а-void stress on your neck, shoulders and back. Keep з!$о your back straight. Make sure, that your feet are centered on Ihe loot pedals and that )-our hips. knees, ankles and toes are facing ton-ard. Keep your body weigh! centered over your iower body reganfiess of v/hether you lean forward or stand upright. By shifting your weight forward or back you can concentrate the workout toward d/ttereni lorn body muscles Stop your workout by grad...