Manafacture: ProSpot Fitness
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File name: PC-3000-Owners_manual.pdf

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manual abstract
.. .....6-7 Product... PeriodicMaintenance Product. .......8 of vourPROSPOTftnessrM WarrantyInformation. .........9 PartsList.. ............10 InstructionsforAssembly of the PROSPOT/tnessrM PC3000 Before assembly, choose a safe location for your PROSPOTJitnessnPC3000. The PROSPOTlrzessrs PC3000 has a footprint of approximately 6'x 6'. The barbell is approximately 7' long. Locate your PROSPOTfrne"^srtPC3000 away from any source of water. Do not allow any liquid to be nearthe machine or spilled on any electrical part. Do not insert any object into the electrical box. Approximateassemblytimeis 1/2hours. A flat area of 8' x 8' will be required to assemble andproperlyuse the PROSPOTlrzessw PC3000. You will need the following tools and a helper to complete the assembly: . 5 mm Allen Wrench . 14 mm Box End Wrench . 17 mm Box End Wrench . 19 mm Box End Wrench Floor Padding, such as cardboard, to avoid scratching yourfloorduring assembly. A good pair of scissors will be helpful in separating thepartsfromone another while removingthemfromthe cartons. HAND TIGHTEN all bolts. DO NOT fullytighten bolts until instructed to do so. Before assembly, separate and identify the righFsidedpartsfrom the left-sided parts.Thesepartsare easily distinguishedby the manner in which the pre-drilledholes align with correspondingparts,or are identified by "L"&"R"stickers. The PROSPOTliaressrM PC3000 uses several different lengthsof bolts. Be careful to use the correct length of bolt called for at each step of assembly. Refer to the sizing charts provided. . WARNING: Never perform any maintenance on the PROSPOTJitnessrM PC3000while the Power Supplyis pluggedintothe wall !!! STEP # 1: MAIN FRAME ASSEMBLY 1. Placethe two Base Rails (1 & 2) oppositeeach other in the center of the assembly area as shown in the lllustration.Place the Lower Cross Brace (3)betweenthe two Base Rails (1& 2) so that the side pre-drilled holesofthe Base Rails (1& 2) align withthe end holesof the Lower Cross Brace (3). 2. CarefullythreadtheCrossBrace Wire Harness(8)throughthe corresponding holesof the sidepre-drilled Base Rails (1& 2) then pulltheWire Harness (8)out of the top holes of the Base Rails ('1& 2). 3. Attachthe two Base Rails (1& 2) to the Lower Cross Brace (3)using two Cross Brace BackingPlates('13). fourbolts(28),eight washers (18)and four nuts(20)as shown. HANDTIGHTENthe bolts atthis time. the Right Upright Assembly BackingPlate(13)attachedon the right base rail (1)usingtwo bolts (28),fourwashers(18)and two nuts 4. Attach Guidepost (7, 10, 23) to the Lower Cross Brace (3)and the Cross Brace (20)as shown. HANDTIGHTENthe bolts at this time. 5. Attachthe Left Upright Guidepost (9,12,23) to the Lower Assembly Cross Brace (3)and the Cross Brace BackingPlate(13)attachedon the left base rail (2)usingtwo bolts (28),four washers (18)andtwo nuts (20) as shown. HANDTIGHTENthe bolts at this time. 6. Plugtogether both of the Cross Rail Wire Harness(8)to lower ends of the Spiral Signal Cables(46)located justundertheperforated Shields Panels(23). Slider on back of the Screen I 7. Attach the two FrontUprights(4)to the two base rails(1 & 2) using the Upright Support Plates (6),eight bolts(28),sixteenwashers(18)and eight nuts (20)as shown. HAND TIGHTEN the bolts at this time. 8. Attach the two PulleySupportFrames(17)to the FrontUprights(4)and the Upright Guide Posts (10& 12) using eight bolts(22),sixteen washers ('18)andeight nuts (20)as shown. HAND TIGH-f ENthe bolts at this time. 9. Attach the Upper Cross Brace (11) to the two Pulley Support Frames (17)using eight bolts(52),sixteen washers(18)and eight nuts (20)as shown. HAND TIGHTEN the bolts at this time. 10.Tighten all bolts and nuts used for assembly in previoussteps. 11 Carefully flex the Left Weight Bar Cables (24)onto the pulleys(27)so that the cables insert into the grooves of each corresponding pulleysand insertthe Left \ ieight Bar Knuckle (44)down through the rectangular cutout in the PulleySupportFrame(17)andallowingthe Left Weight BarKnuckle(44)to hang free. Be sure that the cables are straight and uncrossed and cables and pulleysmovesmoothly. PC3000. 12.RFrpeatthe step 1 1 on the right side of the PROSPOTlrrrrersrM STEP #2: SENSOR WEIGHTBAR INSTALLATION 1. Standing in front of the PROSPOTltzessrM PC3000. Insert one end and then the other end of the Sensor \ Jeight Bar (25)intothe Knuckles(42& 44],. Slide the knuckles onto the Bar until theyrestsnuglyagainst thepreinstalledsensor retaining collars(45& 48) at each end of the Sensor Weight Bar(25). (There is a rotationlimitingpinthatprotrudesfrom the bottom of the Sensor Weight Bar (25)that must fit through a slot in the knuckles (42& 44) as it is slid into position) 2. PlaceonePlastic Locking Sleeve(39)onto each end of the Sensoi Weight Bar (25)and slide them inwards until they buttupagainst and secure theWeighi Bar Cable Knuckle in place.TightenPlastic Locking Sleeve boitssecurely. 3. Piace one of the Olympic Adapters (30)onto the Sensor Weight Bar(25)ands...