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User manual Toshiba, model MA-141-100 SERIES

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manual abstract

The sale total without tax so far is displayed and printed, but the sale is not finalized. NOTES: 1. If the [cj key is depressed after once obtaining a sub-total, the sub-total amount will be displayed. 2. If the |STl key is depressed more than once consecutively, the first depression only will print and display the sub-total; further depression will only display but not print the subtotal . TAXABLE TOTAL (Mode Lock: REG or Q) I DEPT I ... 1 DEPT] —»[TXBL TLI ... The sale total with tax so far is displayed but not printed. The sale is not finalized. NOTES: 1. If the (j^| key is depressed after' the |TXBL TL~] has once been depressed, the sale total with tax is then displayed. MANUAL TAX ENTRY (Mode Lock: REG or Q) |TAX AMOUNT| ~»1 TAX| NON-TAXABLE ITEM TOTAL READ (Mode Lock: REG or Q) |DEPT]... I DEPT| —»I TAX 1 —»---... The total of the non-taxable item(s) so far entered within the sale is displayed. It is usually not printed, but programmable to print if required. DESIGNATED VOID (Mode Lock: REG or ; or MGR if so programmed) 111—»( Dfl )—»1 IC/VDl-> | PRESET DEPT I-»--- | PRICE TO BE VOIDED | —»[iC/VPl —>I OPEN DEPT|~»--- I PRICE TO BE VOIDED I-» |lC/VD | --»I OPEN DEPT] —>\% CHARGE RATE TO BE VOIDED ALONG WITH THE DEPT PRICE [PLU CODE | —» | IC/VD | —> ' [PL-U- (A \%+\ or j %-1 key operation may follow, just as in the above, if necessary.) NOTES: 1. Designated voiding cannot be made on a department that has been preset as a negative department. 2. Unless the "Credit Balance" option has been selected, voiding to result the sale total into negative will go into an error. RECEIVED ON ACCOUNT (Mode Lock: REG) AMOUNT OF PAYMENT \ [~R7a] -[-» IAT7TLI ... if paid in cash ■>(| AMOUNT | )-HCHK TND | ...if paid in check .» ( | AMOUNT |) * |MSC~ TNDi if paid in misc. media L Repeat if multiple payments are entered. NOTE: The |Chg] key may finalize payments received on account if so programmed in the system option. PAID OUT (Mode Lock: REG; or MGR if so programmed) |AMOUNT TO BE PAID OUT| —»[PO] —»|AT/TL| i—,-1 Repeat if multiple amounts to be paid out are entered. CASH TOTAL (Mode Lock: REG or Q) 1 DEPT | . . . 1 DEPT|—»| AT/TL] . . . The drawer opens, the sale total is dispaly- ed and printed, and a receipt is issued. CASH TENDERING (Mode Lock: REG or 0) |DEPT| ... |DEPT| —>(|TXBL TL|)->jCASH TENDERED| —>| AT/Tl] CHECK TENDERING (Mode Lock: REG or 0) iDEPTl...iDEPTl—>(ITXBL TLl)—>1 AMOUNT OF CHECK TENDERED\ —»\CHK TND| CHARGE TOTAL (Mode Lock: REG or Q) |DEPT I ... |DEPT|-»( ITXBL TL|)—>|Chg | MISC. TENDERING (Mode Lock: REG or Q) |DEPT 1 ...iDEPTl -»(ITXBL TLl)->[AMOUNT OF MISC.TENDERED| —»IMSC TND| NOTE: The above operations of CHECK, CHARGE, and MISC Keys are based on the standard programming. If any of those keys are programmed to be used the other way .(i.e., Total key instead of Tender key or vice versa,)do the operation as shown in "CASH TOTAL" and "CASH TENDERING". MULTI-TENDRING, SPLIT-TENDERING (Mode Lock: REG or Q) MULTI-TENDERING (Short tendering repeated multiple times by the same media) IDPET| ... |DEPT1-»(ITXBL TL1) —>|AMOUNT TENDERED| —»1CHK TND|-> ^—> | AMOUNT TENDERED n —V CHK TND AMOUNT TENDERED CHK TND 1 '—»IAMOUNT TENDERED 1 —> 1CHK TNPl The | CHK TND] key may be replaced by any other media key if it is programmed to allow tendering. SPLIT-TENDERING (Short tendering repeated by different media keys) fPEPT| ...|DEPT| —»(ITXBL TLl) —» |CHECK AMOUNT TENDERED| —> |CHK TND| -»( | CASH, AMOUNT TENDERED | )— |AT/TL| — [Chi] —»I CASH AMOUNT TENDERED | ~> ("AT/TL I-»rchgj NOTES: 1. In both MULTI-TENDERING and SPLIT-TENDERING operations, the sale is finalized, a receipt is issued, and the drawer opens on reaching the sale total amount. 2. If a media key is depressed without an amount tendering entry (if that key can function as a "Total” key), the sale is then finalized on that stage, processing all the balance due into that media.) CHECK CASHING (Mode Lock: REG) [AMOUNT OF CHECK TO BE CASHED| —>I^HtTTNDl ... The drawer opens and a receipt is issued. Receive the check and pay the amount in cash to the customer. NOTES: 1. Check cashing is allowed only outside a sale. 2. The system option provides a selection to prohibit check cashing operations, if necessary. 3. The fMSC TND I key may be programmed to allow cashing, if necessary. VALIDATION PRINT (Mode Lock: REG or Q) After entering an item Insert a validation slip into through a transaction —> the validation slot. Make sure —» JVALI key or a media key that the ”SLPM Lamp is lit. |DATE NOTES: 1. No other operations can follow until the validation slip once printed is withdrawn. 2. Validation printing cannot be done after a non-add number or no-sale registration. 3. The following are the selections that can be programmed in the system option related to validation: (1) PRINT FORMAT a) AMOUNT only b) DATE (MONTH, DAY, YEAR) and AMOUNT c) MONTH, DAY, AMOUNT, and CONSECU...

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