Other manuals for this model:
manual abstract
Set ID = All = 00
1 0 0
5th Band
0 0 1 0
Data 00 & 01 = Channel Data is 10 = 00 0a
Acknowledgement [v][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
Data 02 = Analog Antenna TV = 00
* It depends on model, and can adjust when sound
Result = ma 00 00 0a 00
mode is EQ adjustable value.
2. Tune to the digital antenna (DVB-T) Channel 01.
19. Energy Saving (Command: j q)
Set ID = All = 00
Data 00 & 01 = Channel Data is 1 = 00 01
► To reduce the power consumption of the TV. You
Data 02 = Digital Antenna TV = 10
can also adjust Energy Saving in PICTURE menu.
Result = ma 00 00 01 10
Transmission [j][q][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
3. Tune to the satellite (DVB-S) Channel 1000.
Set ID = All = 00
00 : Off
Data 00 & 01 = Channel Data is 1000 = 03 E8
01 : Minimum
Data 02 = Digital Satellite TV = 40
02 : Medium
Result = ma 00 03 E8 40
03 : Maximum
04 : Auto (For LCD TV / LED TV) /
Ack [a][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data 00][Data 01]
Intelligent sensor (For PDP TV)
[Data 02][x][a][ ][Set ID][ ][NG][Data 00][x]
05 : Screen off
• For South Korea, North/Latin America except
* (Depending on model)
Colombia Model
Ack [q][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
► To tune channel to following physical/major/minor
Transmission [m][a][ ][0][ ][Data00][ ][Data01]
20. Tune Command (Command: m a)
[ ][Data02][ ][Data03][ ][Data04][ ][Data05][Cr]
* This command may work differently depending on
Digital channels have a Physical, Major, and Minor
model and signal.
channel number. The Physical number is the actual
• For Europe, Mid-East, Colombia, Asia except
digital channel number, the Major is the number that
South Korea and Japan Model
the channel should be mapped to, and the Minor is
► Select channel to following physical number.
the sub-channel. Since the ATSC tuner automatically
maps the channel from the Major / Minor number,
Transmission [m][a][ ][Set ID][ ][Data 00][ ]
the Physical number is not required when sending a
[Data 01][ ][Data 02][Cr]
command in Digital.
* Analog Antenna/Cable
* Analog Antenna/Cable
[Data 00][Data 01] Channel Data
Data 00 : Physical Channel Number
Data 00 : High byte channel data
- Antenna (ATV) : 02~45 (Decimal: 2 ~ 69)
Data 01 : Low byte channel data
- Cable (CATV) : 01, 0E~7D (Decimal : 1, 14~125)
- 00 00 ~ 00 C7 (Decimal : 0 ~ 199)
[Data 01 ~ 04]: Major/Minor Channel Number
Data 02 : Input Source (Analog)
Data 01 & 02: xx (Don't care)
- 00 : Antenna TV (ATV)
Data 03 & 04: xx (Don't care)
- 80 : Cable TV (CATV)
Data 05: Input Source (Analog)
- 00 : Antenna TV (ATV)
* Digital Antenna/Cable/Satellite
- 01 : Cable TV (CATV)
[Data 00][Data 01]: Channel Data
* Digital Antenna/Cable
Data 00 : High Channel data
Data 01 : Low Channel data
Data 00 : xx (Don't care)
- 00 00 ~ 27 0F (Decimal: 0 ~ 9999)
[Data 01][Data 02]: Major Channel Number
Data 02 : Input Source (Digital)
Data 01 : High byte Channel Data
- 10 : Antenna TV (DTV)
Data 02 : Low byte Channel Data
- 20 : Antenna Radio (Radio)
- 00 01 ~ 27 0F (Decimal: 1 ~ 9999)
- 40 : Satellite TV (SDTV)
[Data 03][Data 04]: Minor Channel Number
- 50 : Satellite Radio (S-Radio)
Data 03 : High byte Channel Data
- 90 : Cable TV (CADTV)
Data 04 : Low byte Channel Data
- a0 : Cable Radio (CA-Radio)
Data 05 : Input Source (Digital)
- 02 : Antenna TV (DTV) – Use Physical Channel
* Tune Command Examples:
1. Tune to the Analog antenna (PAL) Channel 10.
- 06 : Cable TV (CADTV) – Use Physical Channel
...Other models in this manual:
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