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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Care And Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Regulatory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Limited Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Here are a few of the special features of your new LCD TV. Audio/Video In Jacks: Use to quickly connect other equipment to your LCD TV. Automatic Channel Programming (Auto Program): Quick and easy setup of available channels. Closed Captioning: Allows the viewer to read TV program dialog or voice conversations as on-screen text. On-screen Menus: Helpful messages (in English, Spanish, French or Portuguese) for setting TV controls. Remote Control: Works your LCD TV features. Sleep Timer: Turns off the LCD TV within an amount of time you specify (15-240 minutes from the current time). AutoLock: Lets you block viewing of certain TV channels if you do not want your children viewing inappropriate material. Standard broadcast (VHF/UHF) or Cable TV channel capability. Stereo capability: Includes a built-in amplifier and twin-speaker system, allowing reception of TV programs broadcast in stereo. Treble, Bass, and Balance: Enhance the LCD TV’s sound. NOTE:This manual covers different versions and models. Not all features described in this manual will match those of your LCD TV. This is normal and does not require you contacting your dealer or requesting service. END OF LIFE DISPOSAL Your new LCD TV and its packaging contain materials that can be recycled and reused. Specialized companies can recycle your product to increase the amount of reusable materials and minimize the amounts that need to be properly disposed. Your product also uses batteries that should not be thrown away when depleted, but should be handed in and disposed off as small chemical waste. When you replace your existing equipment, please find out about the local regulations regarding disposal of your old television, batteries, and packing materials. 5 INSTALLATION INSTALLATION W W hen operate INSTALL function, the access code window will appear on the screen. Press default code (0711) or your personal code setting to enter this menu. LANGUAGE SETTINGS F F or English, French, Spanish or Portuguese speaking TV owners, an onscreen L ANGUAGE option is present. The L ANGUAGE control enables you to set the TV ’s onscreen menu to be shown in either English, French, Spanish or Portuguese. 1234 5 Press the MENU button on the remote control to open the onscreen menu. Press the CURSOR DOWN button to highlight the INSTALL menu. Press the CURSOR RIGHT button to Highlight LANGUAGE. Press the CURSOR RIGHT button to enter LANGUAGE. Press CURSOR DOWN button to select ENGLISH, FRANCAIS, ESPANOL or PORTUGUES, then press the CURSOR RIGHT to confirm. Press the MENU button repeatedly to clear the menu from the screen. MAINCONTROLSPICTUREAUDIOFEATURESINSTALLLANGUAGETUNERMODEAUTOPROGRAMCHANNELEDITFACTORYRESETMANUALFINETUNEINSTALLLANGUAGETUNERMODEAUTOPROGRAMCHANNELEDITFACTORYRESETMANUALFINETUNEENGLISHFRANCAISESPANOLPORTUGUES1534 ...... HELPFUL HINT Remember, the LANGUAGE control makes only the TV’s onscreen MENU items appear in English, French, Spanish or Portuguese text. It does not change the other onscreen text features, such as Closed Captioning (CC), with TV shows. 6 TUNER MODE CONTROL TUNER MODE CONTROL T T h e T u n e r M o d e a l l o w s y o u t o c h a n g e t h e L C D T V ’ s s i g n a l i n p u t t o C a b l e o r A i r ( a n t e n n a ) . I t ’ s i m p o r t a n t f o r t h e L C D T V t o k n o w i f y o u w a n t t o r e c e i v e c h a n n e l s f r o m a c a b l e T V s i g n a l o r a n a n t e n n a s i g n a l . 1 1 Press the Menu button to see the onscreen menu. 2 2 Press the CURSOR DOWN button to highlight the INSTALL menu. 3 3 Press the CURSOR RIGHT button to enter the INSTALL menu. 4 4 Press the CURSOR DOWN button to highlight the TUNER MODE menu, then press CURSOR RIGHT to confirm. 5 5 Press the CURSOR DOWN buttons to select CABLE, ANTENNA, or AUTO, then press CURSOR RIGHT to confirm. 6 6 Press the MENU button repeatedly to clear the menu from the screen. MAINCONTROLSPICTUREAUDIOFEATURESINSTALLLANGUAGETUNERMODEAUTOPROGRAMCHANNELEDITFACTORYRESETMANUALFINETUNEINSTALLLANGUAGETUNERMODEAUTOPROGRAMCHANNELEDITFACTORYRESETMANUALFINETUNE162..45 ...... ANTENNACABLEAUTO HELPFUL HINT • • • • When CABLE is selected, channels 2-125 are available. When ANTENNA is selected, channels 2-69 are available. When AUTO is selected, your LCD TV will search automatically for antenna or cable channels. Immediately after unpacking and plugging in your new television, run the AUTO PROGRAM function to set up the TV for the broadcast or cable channels available in your area. If you do not run the auto program function to set up the channels, your television may not operate properly. 7 ...