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NOTE! GG In the case of files not supported, a message regarding non-supported file is displayed. Using the Movie List function, play Option GG PPiiccttuurree SSiizzee : Selects your desired picture format during movie play. GG AAuuddiioo LLaanngguuaaggee && SSuubbttiittllee LLaanngguuaaggee : Changes the Language Group of the Picture Size Audio Language Subtitle Language . Sync . Position FF Full GG Latin 1 1 0 0 Close Subtitle Language Support Language Latin1 English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Swedish, Finnish, Dutch, Portuguese, Danish, Romanian, Norwegian, Albanian, Gaelic, Welsh, Irish, Catalan,Valencian Latin2 Bosnian, Polish, Croatian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Serbian, Hungarian Latin4 Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian Cyrillic Bulgarian, Macedonian, Russian, Ukrainian, Kazakh Greek Greek Turkish Turkish Using the remote control audio/subtitle during movie play. G GG S SSy yyn nnc cc : Adjusts the time synchronisation of the subtitle from -10 secs ~ +10 secs by steps of 0.5 secs during movie play. G GG P PPo oos ssi iit tti iio oon nn : Changes the position of the subtitle either up or down during movie play. NOTE! GG Only the files saved in ASCII CODE is supported for the external subtitles of the movie. GG Only 500 alphabets and 500 numbers are supported for each line of the subtitle. GG Only 10,000 of sync blocks can be supported within the subtitle file. TO USE A When playing, repeatedly, press the RR EEWW((FFFF)) button to speed up FFFF(x2) -> FFFFFF(x4) -> FFFFFFFF(x8) -> FFFFFFFFFF(x16) ->FFFFFFFFFFFF(x32) . repeatedly, press the FF FF((GGGG)) button to speed up GGGG(x2)-> GGGGGG(x4) -> GGGGGGGG(x8) -> GGGGGGGGGG(x16) -> GGGGGGGGGGGG(x32). ¦ Pressing these buttons repeatedly increases the fast forward/reverse speed. During playback, press the PPaauussee((II II)) button. ¦ Still screen is displayed. ¦If no buttons are pressed on the remote control for 10 minutes after pausing, the TV returns to the playback state. ¦ Press the PPaauussee((II II)) button and then use the FFFF ((GGGG)) button for slow motion. ¦ When using the or button during playback a cursor indicating the position can be viewed on the screen. Press the PPLLAAYY((GG)) button to return to normal playback. Press the EENNEERRGGYY SSAAVVIINNGG button repeatedly to increase the brightness of your screen.(Refer to p. 116) Press the AAVV MMOODDEE button repeatedly to select the desired source.(Refer to p. 86) FFFF / GGGG PPLLAAYY((GG)) II II AV MODE TO USE A USB DEVICE DIVX REGISTRATION CODE (Only 32/37/42/47LH49**, 32/37/42/47/55LH50**, 32/37/42/47LH70**, 42/47LH90**, 50/60PS70**, 50/60PS80**, 42/50PQ35**, 42PQ65**, 50PS65**) Confirm the DivX registration code number of the TV. Using the registration number, movies can be rented or purchased at With a DivX registration code from other TV, playback of rented or purchased DivX file is not allowed. (Only DivX files matched with the registration code of the purchased TV are playable.) OKMove Photo List Music List Movie List Deactivation USBOKMove Photo List Music List Movie List Deactivation USB DivX Reg. Code DivX Reg. Code DivX(R) Video On Demand Your registration Code is: xxxxxxxxxx To learn more visit Close i TO USE A USB DEVICE 1MENU Select U UUS SSB BB. 2 OK Select D DDi iiv vvX XX R RRe eeg gg. .. C CCo ood dde ee. 3 OK Display D DDi iiv vvX XX R RRe eeg gg. .. C CCo ood dde ee. • Press the M MME EEN NNU UU button to return to normal TV viewing. • Press the R RRE EET TTU UUR RRN NN button to move to the previous menu screen. “DivX Certified to play DivX video up to HD 1080p, including premium content” ABOUT DIVX VIDEO: DivX® is a digital video format created by DivX,Inc. This is an official DivX Certified device that plays DivX video. Visit for more information and software tools to convert your files into DivX video. ABOUT DIVX VIDEO-ON-DEMAND: This DivX Certified® device must be registered in order to play DivX Video-on-Demand (VOD) content. To generate the registration code, locate the DivX VOD section in the device setup menu. Go to vod.divx.com with this code to complete the registration process and learn more about DivX VOD. NOTE! GG Movie files are supported as follows Resolution : under 1920x1080 WxH pixels Frame rate : under 30 frames/sec(1920x1080), under 60 frames/sec(under 1280x720) GG Video Codec : MPEG 1, MPEG 2, MPEG 4, H.264/AVC, DivX 3.11, DivX 4.12, DivX 5.x, DivX 6, Xvid 1.00, Xvid 1.01, Xvid 1.02, Xvid 1.03, Xvid 1.10-beta1, Xvid 1.10-beta2 DEACTIVATION (Only 32/37/42/47LH49**, 32/37/42/47/55LH50**, 32/37/42/47LH70**, 42/47LH90**, 50/60PS70**, 50/60PS80**, 42/50PQ35**, 42PQ65**, 50PS65**) The purpose of deactivation is to allow deactivation of devices for users who have activated all the available devices through the web_server and are blocked from activating more devices. DivX VOD allowed the consumer to activate up to 6 devices under one account, but to replace or deactivate any of those devices, the consum...
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